
mohammed n.穆罕默德〔570?-632伊斯蘭教祖〕。


Mohammed here needs some sparring practice ” the old guy continued . “ can he spar with you ? ” 穆罕默德在這里需要一些惡語相加實踐了“老?伙繼續說道: “可他晶石與你“ ?

Yet one cartoon , for example , showed mohammed as a terrorist with a bomb on his head 然而,其中的一幅漫畫在穆罕默德頭上畫了一個炸彈,將其描繪成一個恐怖分子的形象。

This week i was very interested in reading mohammed ali s testimony in the december reader s digest 我曾經讀過讀者文摘一篇文章,覺得很有趣,那是拳王阿里的見證。

This paper deeply researches the sequence mining algorithm . mohammed j . zai puts forward the algorithm spade 本文對數據挖掘中的序列挖掘算法作了較深入的研究。

Therefore , jesus had to come , buddha had to come , mohammed had to come , socrates , et cetera 因此,耶穌必須降世,佛陀穆罕默德也必須下凡,還有蘇格拉底等等。

The drop is related to the publication of the prophet mohammed cartoons in denmark last year 這個下滑就象摸預言家翰墨的去年在丹麥發表的漫畫中所表現的一樣。

And he hated no one more than osama bin laden and his top operations man , khalid sheik mohammed 而且他最痛恨的就是本拉登及其高級主謀哈立德?謝赫?穆罕默德。

Iraqi lieutenant general hussam mohammed amin supervised preparation of the report 伊拉克軍方的一位中將,哈薩姆?穆罕默德?阿明負責監督報告的編寫。

The drop is related to the publication of the prophet mohammed cartoons in denmark last year 排名的下降是和去年丹麥發行的卡通先知穆罕默德有關的。

The drop is related to the publication of the prophet mohammed cartoons in denmark last year 名次的下降與去年在丹麥出版的穆罕默德的先知漫畫有關

Molly : female boxing is popular . you know the male boxing great , mohammed ali 莫莉:現在女拳擊手可時髦兒了。你知不知道偉大的拳手穆罕默德?阿里?

The drop is related to the publication of the prophet mohammed cartoons in denmark last year 丹麥排名的下降與去年的先知穆罕默德漫畫出版物有關。

The drop is related to the publication of the prophet mohammed cartoons in denmark last year 排名的下降與去年在丹麥出版的先知穆罕默德漫畫有關。

Then the article quotes mohammed saying , “ you need to be careful that you don t do the bad things . 所以,你要做的是要小心,別做太多的壞事。

Mohammed v square is the heart of the city and the symbol of modernization of the country 默哈莫德廣場既是城市的心臟,也是國家現代化的標志。

The prophet mohammed heard the voice of allah in the cave of hira and wrote the koran 回教先知在希拉山洞內聽到真主的聲音,寫下可蘭經。

I ' m mohammed 我是默罕默德

Sultan mohammed v 穆罕默德五世

Mohammed al jahani 穆罕默德賈哈尼