
mohair n.安哥拉山羊毛;安哥拉山羊毛仿制品。


The delicate warmth of mohair will take the chill off any night - or day . silky soft and gossamer light , you ' ll enjoy the perfect luxury of our pure mohair pile 無論是晚上還是白天,有了精致暖和的馬海毛,寒意蕩然無存。如絲般柔軟和輕盈,我們豪華型馬海毛毛毯是您最渴求的享受。

Of the prize winners , “ top grade fine - spinning woolen fabric “ , “ mohair tweed “ , and garments were regarded as internationally leading products in italian style 其中“高品味精紡呢絨“ 、 “馬海毛花呢“和服裝被譽為具有意大利風格的高檔精紡呢絨和服裝,具有國際領先水平。

With cloud - like softness , the heavenly feel of mohair adds an elegant and luxurious touch to any room . you ' ll enjoy the difference it makes 具有云彩般的柔軟,馬海毛極其優美的手感為您的居室增添一種高貴華麗舒適的格調。

Sodium hypochlorite bleach can be used on all washable colorfast natural fibers ( cotton , linen ) except protein fibers like wool , silk and mohair 過硼酸鈉( nabo3 )與過碳鈉一樣可適用于任何纖維,特別是羊毛蠶絲等。

Hair from white or solid - colored goats is the most popular , but the appeal of mixed - color mohair has grown in recent years 來自白羊和純色羊的羊毛最常見,但混色馬海毛的需求在近年來不斷增長。

Hair from white or solid - colored goats is the most popular , but the appeal of mixed - color mohair has grown in recent years 白色或純色的毛是最受歡迎的,但是近幾年混合色的馬海毛也逐漸受寵。

The united states is one of the main producers of mohair , and exports most of its production 美國是馬海毛主要生產者之一,它出口了絕大多數的產品。

The united states is one of the main producers of mohair , and exports most of its production 美國是馬海毛的主要生產者,并且大量出口。

I ' m allergic to mohair . do you have any pants that are made of wool or anything else 我對毛海過敏。你們有沒有羊毛或其他材質的褲子?

And the fabric is about plush , pure silk , wool , mohair , chemical fibres etc 面料有絲絨,真絲,羊毛,馬海毛,晴綸,化纖等。

Jerry thinks he cuts quite a figure with the ladies in his new mohair suit 杰里認為他身著馬海毛西裝與女士們一起很出風頭。

Standard specifications for fineness of wool or mohair and assignment of grade 羊毛和馬海毛細度及分級的標準規范

Standard specification for wool top or mohair top and assignment of grade 羊毛條和馬海毛條細度及分級的標準規范

Test method for the percentage of burry and impurities in scouredscoured mohair 洗凈馬海毛含草雜率試驗方法

A lot of customers have approaced us to enquire for mohair sweaters 許多客戶向我們詢購馬海毛毛衣

Test method for the percentage of burry and impurities in mohair 洗凈馬海毛含草雜率試驗方法

Trial - production of homespun with sichuan mohair 四川馬海毛鋼花呢的試制