
moh 短語和例子M.O.H. =1.medical offic...


The canadian food inspection agency cfia and its associated laboratory network in canada has been designated to provide a comprehensive training program in support of the sps food safety laboratory system in china through the partner ministries for the project moa , aqsiq , moh , sfda 其目的是通過調查,了解推薦實驗室在中國食品安全體系中的職責資源和能力培訓需求培訓方法和地點加拿大或中國建議以及在中國建立可持續實驗室培訓資源的措施。

4 canadian tas from cfia and 5 chinese experts from moh , aqsiq , and sfda had been invited to give presentation about nutritional labeling , food recall , risk assessment and analysis , food contamination monitoring and reporting 會議邀請了加拿大食品檢驗署的4位專家和質檢系統衛生系統及食藥總局系統的5位中方專家就食品召回的風險分析和制度建立食品營養標簽,食品安全風險分析管理,以及食品污染監測和報告等方面開展培訓。

In the last four years , as a vice chairman of the moh exedrt committee for leprosy control , i have been responsible for the sind - belgiam cooperation on leprosy rehabilitation , the sino - japan ( smhf ) and sino - british ct ( mi ) cooperations on leprosy rehabilitation 近四年來,擔任衛生部麻風防治研究專家咨詢委員會副主任委員會,負責中國衛生部和比利時政府的麻風康復合作項目,中日和中英麻風康復合作項目的實施、督導和咨詢。

One reference was to dr charles carroll , president of highpoint community services association , who volunteered as a shoe - polisher near a theatre in clementi . tall and strong , blue - eyed and gray - haired , the ang moh drew curious looks from passers - by when he was serving the local residents 這位高頭大馬灰發碧眼的“紅毛人” ,出現在設于金文泰聯邦戲院附近的擦鞋檔,替居民擦皮鞋時,路人及“顧客”立即投以好奇的目光。

China ' s ministry of health ( moh ) stipulates that medical institutions and their staff must not provide transplant of human organs for foreign citizens coming to china in name of tour visiting , nor can they provide the operation in other countries in name of tourism 衛生部明確規定,醫療機構及其醫務人員不得為以旅游名義到中國的外國公民實施人體器官移植,也不得以旅游名義跨國境為外國居民實施人體器官移植。

Methods : 25 % of the representative area county ( 10 ) as the monitored area county were selected , according to the sanitary standard for drinking water quality published by moh , the village water factory , the simple station of supplying water and well water were detected 方法:選取我市10個監測區縣,按衛生部《生活飲用水檢驗規范》對農村水廠、簡易供水站和井水進行檢測。

According to the moh , as of noon july 28 , the total number of people affected was 152 , after excluding 6 suspected cases . thirteen of the reports were laboratory confirmed cases . among the patients , 31 died and 7 were discharged 根據?生部資料,直至七月二十八日中午,在排除6宗疑似病例后,共有152人發病,其中13宗報告為化驗室確診個案,有31名病人死亡, 7人已出院。

Sponsored by the world bank and ministry of health ( moh ) of china , an intensive study entitled “ a study of the maternal and child health poverty alleviation fund ( mch paf ) in china “ has been undertaken from 1995 through 1999 世界銀行一云南省婦幼衛生扶貧資金運作式研究是在衛項目有效地改善了貧困農村婦幼衛生服務的基礎上,進一步探索對貧困婦女及兒童提高醫療救助的有效途徑。

- significance for the theory aids / hiv figure of china may reach 10million up to 2010 , according to the assessment report by un theme group and moh of china in 1977 本研究的理論意義:根據1997年聯合國艾滋病主題組和中國衛生部聯合撰寫的《中國迎戰艾滋病評估報告》預測,迄2010年,中國的hiv感染者和艾滋病人總人數將可能達到1000萬。

Their account , however , should not be taken as the conclusion of the mainland investigations . “ according to the information provided by the moh , there was no new case in ziyang in sichuan for seven consecutive days so far 林醫生說:根據?生部提供的資料,目前四川資陽市已連續七天沒有新發病例,內江市連續四天沒有新發病例。

“ we also thanked the moh for promptly supplying daily updates of the situation in sichuan to the centre for health protection ( chp ) in hong kong so that the public can be informed of the latest situation there , “ dr lam said 林醫生說:我們亦感謝?生部每日迅速將當地疫情,通知香港的?生防護中心,讓市民得悉疫癥的最新情況。

The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health has been updated by the ministry of health ( moh ) this ( july 25 ) evening about the latest situation concerning reports of deaths among agricultural workers in sichuan ?生署?生防護中心今(七月二十五日)晚接獲?生部通告四川農民死亡個案的最新情況。

According to the moh , as of noon today , the total number of people affected was 181 . twenty - nine of the reports were laboratory confirmed cases . among the patients , 34 died and 17 were discharged 根據?生部資料,直至今日中午,共有1 8 1人發病,其中2 9宗報告為化驗室確診個案,有3 4名病人死亡, 1 7人已出院。

The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health has been updated by the ministry of health ( moh ) this ( july 26 ) evening about the latest situation concerning cases of streptococcus suis infection in sichuan ?生署?生防護中心今(七月二十六日)晚接獲?生部通告四川豬鏈球菌感染個案的最新情況。

The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health has been updated by the ministry of health ( moh ) this ( july 27 ) evening about the latest situation concerning cases of streptococcus suis infection in sichuan ?生署?生防護中心今(七月二十七日)晚接獲?生部通告四川豬鏈球菌感染個案的最新情況。

The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health has been updated by the ministry of health ( moh ) this ( july 28 ) evening about the latest situation concerning cases of streptococcus suis infection in sichuan ?生署?生防護中心今(七月二十八日)晚接獲?生部通告四川豬鏈球菌感染個案的最新情況。

According to the moh , as of noon today , the total number of people affected was 163 . thirteen of the reports were laboratory confirmed cases . among the patients , 32 died and 11 were discharged 根據?生部資料,直至七月二十九日中午,共有163人發病,其中13宗報告為化驗室確診個案,有32名病人死亡, 11人已出院。

Moh also emphasizes in the circular that medical institutions must not place ads for transplant of human organs in any forms , except those permitted under the administrative measures for medical advertising 《通知》還強調,除《醫療廣告管理辦法》規定的內容外,醫療機構不得利用任何方式發布人體器官移植醫療廣告。

According to the moh , as of noon july 26 , the total number of people affected was 117 . five of the reports were laboratory confirmed cases . among the patients , 24 died and five were discharged 根據?生部資料,直至七月二十六日中午,共有117人發病,其中五宗報告為化驗室確診個案,有24名病人死亡,五人已出院。