
mogul n.1.(16世紀征服并統治印度的)莫臥兒人(尤指歷史上...


Good , technically correct short turns form the basis for mogul skiing . and are also important for power - skiing , which requires even , rhythmical turns 接著,正確技巧的小轉是饅頭滑雪的基礎,并且對于松雪滑雪也非常重要,而且松雪滑雪更需要平順、有韻律節奏地轉彎。

Entertainment mogul merv griffin has died . the man behind “ jeopardy “ and “ wheel of fortune “ passed away sunday from prostate cancer . he was 82 years old 娛樂業巨頭莫夫?格里芬不幸去世。這位《快問快答》和《幸運之輪》的幕后工作者于周日死于前列腺癌,享年82歲。

Entertainment mogul merv griffin has died . the man behind “ jeopardy “ and “ wheel of fortune “ passed away sunday from prostate cancer . he was 82 years old 娛樂大亨莫里。格里芬辭世了。擁有“危機”和“財富的車輪”的他因前列腺癌在周日告別了人世,享年82歲。

Entertainment mogul merv griffin has died . the man behind “ jeopardy “ and “ wheel of fortune “ passed away sunday from prostate cancer . he was 82 years old 娛樂大亨梅夫。格里芬,這為“快問快答”和“幸運轉盤”的幕后策劃,因為前列腺癌于周日辭世,享年82歲。

Entertainment mogul merv griffin has died . the man behind “ jeopardy “ and “ wheel of fortune “ passed away sunday from prostate cancer . he was 82 years old 娛樂界巨人默費格里芬去世。這名“危險”和“幸運之輪”節目幕后功臣星期日因前列腺癌逝世世,享年82歲。

Entertainment mogul merv griffin has died . the man behind “ jeopardy “ and “ wheel of fortune “ passed away sunday from prostate cancer . he was 82 years old 默林.格里芬,這位娛樂界巨亨, “危險”和“財富之輪”的幕后工作者,于周日因前列腺癌去世,享年82歲。

Entertainment mogul merv griffin has died . the man behind “ jeopardy “ and “ wheel of fortune “ passed away sunday from prostate cancer . he was 82 years old 娛樂界名人墨武?格里芬, 《快問快答》及《命運之輪》節目的幕后策劃者,于周日死于乳腺癌。享年82歲。

Entertainment mogul merv griffin has died . the man behind “ jeopardy “ and “ wheel of fortune “ passed away sunday from prostate cancer . he was 82 years old 娛樂界泰斗,電視游戲節目《智力風暴》和《幸運之輪》的創始人梅里格里芬因前列腺癌病逝,享年82歲。

Pbl , publishing broadcasting ltd australia ' s wealthiest man , media and gambling mogul kerry packer , has died , his family said in a statement tuesday . he was 68 澳大利亞首富澳洲媒體及博彩業巨頭凱瑞帕克12月26日在其位于悉尼的家中去世,年僅68歲。

Entertainment mogul merv griffin has died . the man behind “ jeopardy “ and “ wheel of fortune “ passed away sunday from prostate cancer . he was 82 years old 娛樂業巨鱷, “險境“和“財富之輪“的幕后主宰者默林.格里芬因前列腺癌去世,享年82歲

She can be an unforgiving enemy ? witness her campaign ' s hysterical reaction when a hollywood mogul went over to mr obama ' s camp 當她目睹在一個好萊塢名人轉到歐巴馬的正營時她自己正營歇斯底里的反應,她成了一個不能被原諒的敵人。

She can be an unforgiving enemy ? witness her campaign ' s hysterical reaction when a hollywood mogul went over to mr obama ' s camp 她也可能被人認為是一個不可原諒的敵人- - - -見證了當一位好萊塢影星去歐巴馬她的競選集團的歇斯底里。

The 34 - year - old moguls ' wealth has quadrupled since 2004 to an estimated $ 18 . 5 billion this year , while their company ' s stock value has surged 500 percent 自2004年來,谷歌公司股價暴漲500 % ,兩人的個人財富值相應翻了四倍。

Oprah winfrey continues to take over the world . the media mogul is back on top of forbes ' annual “ celebrity 100 power list “ 奧普拉?溫芙瑞再次“稱雄世界” 。這位脫口秀名嘴又一次登上福布斯年度“百位重量級名人排行榜”之首。

Oprah winfrey continues to take over the world . the media mogul is back on top of forbes ' annual “ celebrity 100 power list “ 奧普拉?溫芙瑞再次“稱雄世界” 。這位脫口秀名嘴又一次登上福布斯年度“百位名人排行榜”之首。

“ they are trying to destroy my family , “ said the health - drinks mogul , puffing on davidoff cigarettes . “ how can i put up with that ? “他們在試圖破壞我的家庭,我怎么能容忍他們這樣做? ” ,宗慶后點燃了他的大衛香煙說。

Taj mahal , india : the white marble - domed mausoleum in agra was built by a 17th century mogul emperor for his favorite wife 泰姬陵(印度) :這座位于阿格拉的白色大理石圓頂陵墓建于17世紀,由莫臥爾皇帝為他的愛妻而修建。

Australia ' s wealthiest man , media and gambling mogul kerry packer , has died , his family said in a statement tuesday . he was 68 澳大利亞首富、澳洲媒體及博彩業巨頭凱瑞?帕克12月26日在其位于悉尼的家中去世,年僅68歲。

Australia ' s wealthiest man , media and gambling mogul kerry packer , has died , his family said in a statement tuesday . he was 68 澳大利亞首富澳洲媒體及博彩業巨頭凱瑞帕克12月26日在其位于悉尼的家中去世,年僅68歲。