
mogadishu n.摩加迪沙〔索馬里首都〕。


Since stalingrad and berlin in the second world war , to the american assault on hue , vietnam , in 1968 and on to the war zones of beirut or nablus , belfast or mogadishu , urban warfare has become a central part of the underdog ' s arsenal , a fight without scruples for the high ground of propaganda that exploits civilian losses and denies the intruder ' s superior might 從第二次世界大戰中的斯大林格勒和柏林,到1968年美軍攻打的越南順化,直到貝魯特、納布盧斯、貝爾法斯特和摩加迪沙的戰場,巷戰已經成為弱小者武備的核心部分,是一種罔顧大肆渲染平民傷亡的宣傳攻勢并蔑視入侵者優勢武力的作戰樣式。

Since stalingrad and berlin in the second world war , to the american assault on hue , vietnam , in 1968 and on to the war zones of beirut or nablus , belfast or mogadishu , urban warfare has become a central part of the underdog ' s arsenal a fight without scruples for the high ground of propaganda that exploits civilian losses and denies the intruder ' s superior might 他痛哭流涕。從第二次世界大戰中的斯大林格勒和柏林,到1968年美軍攻打的越南順化,直到貝魯特納布盧斯貝爾法斯特和摩加迪沙的戰場,巷戰已經成為弱小者武備的核心部分,是一種罔顧大肆渲染平民傷亡的宣傳攻勢并蔑視入侵者優勢武力的作戰樣式。

In addition , on january 8 and 9 , bbc world and the mogadishu radio station aired news reports on master s concern for the tsunami victims in somalia . the bbc correspondent was greatly impressed by the initiates “ courage in traveling to somalia to render relief , saying , “ god must be protecting you “ during the interview 元月8日及9日,國際bbc電臺及首都摩加迪休電臺都報導了清海無上師關懷索馬利亞災民的消息, bbc電臺記者對于世界會同修冒險前來索馬利亞賑災的英勇行為感到佩服,在采訪時表示:一定是上帝保護著你們!

However , initiates from the kenya center of the supreme master ching hai international association were not intimidated by the potential hardships and perils they might encounter in the war - torn nation , and so on january 5 , 2005 they traveled to magadishu , somalia s capital , to offer master s love and relief to the victims 清海無上師世界會肯亞小中心的同修不畏艱險,于2005年元月5日帶著師父的愛,前往索馬利亞首都摩加迪休mogadishu進行賑災工作。

With the earnest assistance of the mayors of mogadishu and marka , the practitioners visited devastated fishing villages , ghettos , hospitals , schools and orphanages , where they distributed monetary aid and daily necessities and consoled victims 在摩加迪休市長及馬卡marka市長的熱心協助下,同修探訪了當地受災的漁村貧民區以及多所醫院學校和孤兒院,提供救濟金及民生物資,并撫慰災民受創的心靈。

The islamists started out as a grass - roots movement of clan elders and religious leaders who banded together earlier this year to rid mogadishu of its notorious warlords , earning them a lot of public support 這些伊斯蘭主義者最先是在一項民間運動中組織起來的,這場運動由部落長老和宗教首領發起,目的是為了打倒摩加迪沙里那些臭名昭著的軍閥,這項運動為這些伊斯蘭主義者贏得了許多公眾支持。

Videotape of starving somalis on cnn forced president bush to send in the marines , goes this refrain , and pictures of an american corpse being dragged through the streets of mogadishu by gleeful somalis forced president clinton to bring the marines home 當數百萬人的生活發生危險時,世界最強的國家不可袖手旁觀。美國人民不會允許這么做,那是他們的榮譽。

In february the au promised a force of 8 , 000 to keep the peace in mogadishu , after ethiopia ' s invading forces , with tacit western approval , clobbered the islamist militias to bolster a shaky somali government 在西方國家的默許下,埃塞俄比亞的入侵部隊擊敗了伊斯蘭民兵組織,鞏固了風雨飄搖的索馬里政府。

The african union peace keeping force currently includes fewer than 2000 ugandan soldiers . resistance fighters attacked the ugandan troops daily since their arrival in mogadishu earlier this month 非盟目前只有不到2000人的烏干達士兵。他們本月早些時候進入摩加迪沙,每天都受到反政府軍的攻擊。

It has 1 , 500 peacekeepers in mogadishu as part of an african union mission which is supposed to replace the ethiopians , whom most somalis detest as invaders 烏干達派遣了1500名的維和部隊進駐摩加迪沙,這個部隊作為非盟軍團的一部分將有望代替那些被多數索馬里人看做是侵略軍的埃塞而比亞部隊。

Earlier this week , the commander of african union peace keeping forces in somalia urged several african countries to speed up their promised deployment of troops to help secure mogadishu 本周早些時候,駐索馬里非盟長官催促幾個非洲國家,希望他們加快所承諾的武裝攻勢,以幫助保衛摩加迪沙。

Witnesses say at least three people were killed and seven others wounded in thursday ' s fighting in northern mogadishu , an area of the city recently held by islamist fighters 目擊者說,星期四發生在摩加迪沙北部地區的戰斗導致至少三人死亡,七人受傷。那個地區最近被伊斯蘭武裝控制。

A national reconciliation conference of clan elders planned for june 14th will not take place , partly because mogadishu remains too dangerous for any public gathering 計劃于今年6月14日由各部落首領參加的全國調停會議將被取消,部分原因是在首都摩加迪沙舉行公開集會過于危險。

[ size = 3 ] a peculiarity of somalia is that while the south of the country , including its broken capital , mogadishu , has burned , the north has been stable 索馬里的一大特征就是當包括其殘破的首都摩加迪沙在內的索馬里南方在燃燒戰火時,北方卻能維持穩定的局面。

A peculiarity of somalia is that while the south of the country , including its broken capital , mogadishu , has burned , the north has been stable 索馬里的一大特征就是當包括其殘破的首都摩加迪沙在內的索馬里南方在燃燒戰火時,北方卻能維持穩定的局面。

Peculiarity of somalia is that while the south of the country , including its broken capital , mogadishu , has burned , the north has been stable 索馬里的一大特征就是當包括其殘破的首都摩加迪沙在內的索馬里南方在燃燒戰火時,北方卻能維持穩定的局面。

John holmes arrived in somalia today ( monday ) to discuss the situation with president abdullahi yusuf and prime minister nur hassan hussein in mogadishu 約翰.霍爾姆斯星期一抵達索馬里,與索馬里總統優素福和總理侯賽因在摩加迪沙討論相關局勢。

The apparent attack followed two days of a 10th fighting in mogadishu between resistance fighters and government forces and their ethiopian allies 摩加迪沙的第十次恐怖襲擊已進行兩天了,戰爭在反政府軍和政府軍及其艾塞爾比亞援軍之間展開。

This year the capital , mogadishu , has seen its worst violence in 16 years as insurgents seek to topple a fragile interim government 今年,在16年起義分子試圖推倒脆弱的過度政府的時間里,索馬里首都摩加迪沙是最暴亂糟糕的一年。