
modus n.(pl. modi , moduses) 〔拉丁語〕...


Police appeal to members of the public to be alert when participating in auctions on or through the internet and to contact the investigating officers on 2352 9375 or 2860 5012 if being cheated by similar modus operandi 警方呼吁市民在互聯網上拍賣交易時提高警惕,若曾被類似手法欺騙,請盡速致電二三五二九三七五或二八六五一二與調查人員聯絡。

The aim of the pilot joint office is to test out whether a revised modus operandi would offer better assistance to owners in identifying the source of water seepage and in helping them address this nagging problem 成立這試驗性質的聯合辦事處,目的是測試這種運作模式,能否向業主提供更佳的支援以找出滲水源頭,從而協助業主處理這個令人困擾的問題。

Police today ( october 26 ) urged members of the public , particularly job seekers , not to easily surrender their property to strangers after two deception cases of similar modus operandi were reported in wan chai this month 警方本月于灣仔接獲兩宗相似手法的騙案后,今日(十月二十六日)呼吁市民,尤其是求職者,不要輕易向陌生人交出私人財物。

Officers of regional crime unit , hong kong island laid ambush in a restaurant in festival walk yesterday with the assistance of another accountant who was also approached by the syndicate members using the same modus operandi 該集團其后又以同一手法邀約另外一名會計師會面,港島總區重案組人員在該名會計師的協助下,昨日在又一城一間酒樓埋伏。

Police urge anyone who might have been victimised by similar modus operadi but has not reported to the police to contact any police station or investigating officers of wan chai divisional investigation team at 2828 7480 警方呼吁任何人若曾被類似手法行騙而沒有向警方報案,請聯絡任何警署或致電二八二八七四八與灣仔分區刑事調查隊探員聯絡。

The average family modus operandi for holidays is to pack the children and a huge amount of luggage into a car or rv ( recreational vehicle - a motorised small house with all the comforts of home ) and drive thou - sands of miles 一般家庭的度假方法是把孩子和鼓鼓的行囊塞進汽車或者房車(一種活動的小房子,里面有各種家庭日用品) ,開上幾千英里。

Investigations by yau ma tei divisional support team are continuing . anyone who has fallen prey to culprits by similar modus operandi or has information to offer is urged to contact the duty officer of yau ma tei police station at 2359 8214 任何人如曾被匪徒以類似手法偷去財物,請即致電二三五九八二一四,與油麻地分區警署當值人員聯絡。

In another case , a 15 - year - old schoolgirl was deceived of $ 30 in cash , a mp3 player and a mobile phone by a man using similar modus operandi outside the football field on pak wo road at about 8 . 30 pm on january 31 另外,一名十五歲女學童于一月三十一日晚上約八時三十分,亦遭一名男子利用類似手法騙去三十元現金、一部mp3機及手提電話。

The modus operandi of the culprits was to approach the victims at mtr concourses or public parks at various locations and claimed that they had recently arrived in hong kong and had lost all their personal properties 匪徒的手法是在不同地點的地鐵站大堂或公園內,向受害人表示自己剛到達香港,并失去所有個人物品。

Anyone who might have deceived by similar modus operandi but did not report their cases to police are urged to contact the divisional investigation team of yuen long at 2473 8338 or 2473 8213 任何人如曾遭類似手法行騙而當時未有報警,請立即致電二四七三八三三八或二四七三八二一三,與元朗分區刑事調查隊聯絡。

Police advise members of the public to beware of such deception activities and those who have been deceived by similar modus operandi to contact the investigating officers on 2631 8418 警方呼吁市民求職時應提防此類騙案,任何人士如曾被類似的手法欺騙財物,請致電二六三一八四一八與調查人員聯絡。

Anyone who might have fallen victim to similar modus operandi or has information to offer is urged to contact the investigation officers of district crime squad of yau tsim on 2731 7350 任何人士如曾被人以類似手法詐騙或有消息提供,請致電二七三一七三五與油尖警區重案組調查人員聯絡。

Anyone who has information on the case or has been deceived by the modus operandi but has not reported to the police is urged to contact the investigating officers at 2360 7254 警方呼吁對案件有資料的人士或曾被類似手法欺騙而未有報案的人士,請盡快致電二三六七二五四與調查人員聯絡。

The modus operandi involved a man claiming to be the son or relative of a victim , and in need of money urgently , phoned up to ask the victim to put money into a specified bank account 受害人均接到一名自稱是其兒子或親戚的男子來電,聲稱急需金錢,并要求受害人存款入指定的銀行戶口。

Subsequent enquiries revealed that the four men were suspected to be connected with six other burglaries using similar modus operandi in the kowloon west and new territories south regions this year 調查顯示,該四名男子涉嫌與今年六宗以同類型手法在西九龍及新界南犯案的爆竊案有關。

They were arrested in two separate cases , using similar modus operandi . they claimed that there was a ghost hidden in the houses of the victims , aged 70 and 64 respectively 被捕男女分別涉嫌與兩宗以類似手法進行的騙案有關,案中的受害人年齡分別為六十四及七十歲。

The police are investigating a case of obtaining property by deception in sham shui po and urge persons who have been deceived by the modus operandi to make reports 警方現正調查一宗在深水?以欺騙手段取得財產的案件,并呼吁曾被相似手法欺騙的受害人與警方聯絡。

A paradigm consists of meta - theoretical assumptions that underlie the frame of reference , the mode of theorizing and the modus operandi of the theorist ( burrell and morgan , 1994 ) 這些概念構成的結構是屬于一個個體研究者的訓練那個稱為范例(或者參考的點) 。

Police appeal to member of the public to be alerted of the same modus operandi used by the culprit and report to the police if they had been victimized in the similar occasion 警方呼吁曾經受類此手法行騙的市民盡快報案,并提醒其他市民提防此種行騙手法。