
modulus n.(pl. -li ) 【數、物】模數,模量;系數。 ...


Standard test method for dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures 瀝青混合物動態模量的標準試驗方法

The design of young ' s modulus experiment 測量楊氏模量的一種新方法

Standard test method for modulus of rupture of unfired clays 未焙燒粘土斷裂模數的標準試驗方法

Carbon ' s infections to compress modulus of iir ciir blend rubber 共混硫化膠壓縮彈性模量的影響

Modulus attribute specifies the modulus used on the hash code 屬性指定對哈希代碼使用的模數。

Testing method for modulus of rupture of insulating fire bricks 隔熱耐火磚斷裂模量的測試方法

All numeric types have predefined modulus operators 所有數值類型都具有預定義的模數運算符。

Analysis of thin - shell structures based on bi - moduli theory 用拉壓不同模量理論分析薄殼結構

Modulus division returning only the remainder 模數除法(僅返回余數)

Modified pva fiber high tenacity and high modulus pvacut fiber 改性聚乙烯醇纖維高強高模

Test method for shear modulus at room temperature 室溫剪切模量測試方法

Multivariate polynomial reduplication modulus residue class rings 多元多項式重模剩余類環

Method . the default modulus for this mda is 1 , which causes 此mda的模數默認為1 ,這將導致

Testing methods for elastic modulus of porous fine ceramics 多孔細陶瓷彈性模數的測試方法

Method of test for static modulus of elasticity of concrete 混凝土的靜態彈性模量測試方法

Moduli of quadrilaterals and substantial points 四邊形的模與本質邊界點

Conveyor belts - determination of elastic modulus 輸送帶.彈性模數的測定

Standard test method for shear modulus at room temperature 室溫下剪切模量的標準試驗方法

Multivariate stancu polynomials and modulus of continuity 多項式與連續模