
modularity n.【自動化】積木性,模塊性〔指應用模塊組裝電子計算機等...


The way to build the real - time middleware based on the rt - al completely follows the modularity in software engineering and consequently greatly simplifies the work of development and maintenance 實時基礎設施有利于降低實時中間件的開發和維護的難度,符合軟件構件化、模塊化的思想。

This system adopts client / server modularity . a tele - operation system is founded by two - layer server , namely the internet server and robot server 系統采用c s (客戶機服務器)模型,由internet服務器和機器人服務器構成的兩層服務器結構建立了一個基于internet的遙操作機器人系統。

This paper introduces some fault diagnose research results in one mobile communication system , brings forth a modularity realization way to this system 摘要應用故障分析診斷技術的部分研究成果對某移動通信系統設備中的故障分析診斷做了初步的探討,提出該系統的模塊化實現方式。

I ll talk more about how adding metadata effects the modularity of aop systems , as well as the scenarios where metadata is most beneficial in part 2 of this article 我將進一步討論添加元數據如何影響aop系統的模塊化,并在本文的第二部分中討論元數據發揮最大作用的場景。

Just as objects provide a language mechanism to cleanly capture inheritance structures , aop enables the same benefits of good modularity for crosscutting concerns 與對象提供了一種能夠清楚地捕獲繼承結構的語言機制類似, aop也為橫切問題的良好模塊化提供了同樣的好處。

While the pyqt version is not really simpler for this basic program , it already demonstrates the better modularity and maintainability of pyqt applications 盡管實際上pyqt版本對于這個基本程序并不更簡單,但是它已經演示了pyqt應用程序更好的模塊性和可維護性。

Case and his colleagues begin with research in children ' s executive control structure and working - memory , and expand to the theories of knowledge fields and standard modularity 凱斯的理論深刻地反映了階段論的思想,并且堅持認知發展具有領域的普遍性。

The first chapter presents the theory of modularity simply to make sure reader understand the latter contents better . as an effective method to resolve complicated system or 要實現這一點,就需要理論界的學者在模塊化理論和方法的普及和推廣上做出貢獻。

Author john hughes makes the case that modularity is the key to successful programming , and that functional programming allows greatly improved modularization )中,作者john hughes說明了模塊化是成功編程的關鍵,而函數編程可以極大地改進模塊化。

In the second chapter , it introduce the main concept , modularity and flows of assistant of firepowers disposal . at the end , introduce the running platform of hardware and software 第二章介紹了輔助布陣算法的需求信息,以及它的模塊組成和算法流程。

One great thing about geronimo , besides being fully j2ee compatible , open source , and packaged with the apache license , is its extreme modularity Geronimo除了完全兼容j2ee 、開放源碼、打包了apache許可證之外,它最棒的一件事就是它的極端模塊化。

This provides an additional dimension of modularity so that , even within a given language unit , it is possible for you to use only specific subsets 這就對模塊性提供了更多的空間,即使對一個已給定的語言單元,你也有可能只使用某些特定的子集。

The model - view - control software design architecture is used for its extensibility and modularity in role separation between components 模型-視圖-控制( model - view - control , mvc )軟件設計基礎架構用于組件之間的可擴展性和模塊化的角色分離。

Baldwin , carliss y . , and kim b . clark . 1997 . “ managing in an age of modularity , “ harvard business review 75 ( 5 ) : 84 - 93 ( september - october ) 這只是初步看法。模塊化與信息化的關系,信息化在第三次產業革命中的作用,還需要進一步探討。

Among other things , i will demonstrate an effective use of aop to reduce the loss of modularity that is sometimes associated with metadata annotation 其中,我將展示一種用aop有效減少使用元數據注釋所帶來的模塊性損失的用法。

Modularity is the process of dividing an object into smaller pieces so each smaller object of module can be dealt with individually 模塊化是把一個對象分割成(若干)小部分以便每個更小的模塊對象可以單獨處理。

To encourage modularity and extensibility , soap organizes its requests into two parts : the header and the body 為了鼓勵人們實現模塊化和可擴展性, soap將其請求組織為兩個部分:頭部( header )與主體( body ) 。

This is where , for example , having some relatively strict rules of object modularity and information hiding is absolutely fundamental 例如,它的基本原則之一就是對對象模塊性和隱藏信息要有相應的嚴格規定。

If you value modularity , a schema should only tell you whether an instance is valid or not ; it should not change the actual 如果注重模塊性,則模式將只告訴您實例是否有效;它不會改變文檔中的實際