
modiste n.〔法語〕(專做婦女衣、帽的)女裁縫。


And the motley displays in the shops , the gold ornaments of the jeweler s , the glass ornaments of the confectioner s , the light - colored silks of the modiste s , seemed to shine again in the crude light of the reflectors behind the clear plate - glass windows , while among the bright - colored , disorderly array of shop signs a huge purple glove loomed in the distance like a bleeding hand which had been severed from an arm and fastened to a yellow cuff 櫥窗里的商品五顏六色,珠寶店的黃金制品,糖果店的水晶玻璃器皿,時裝店的鮮艷絲綢,在反射鏡的強光照射下,映在明潔的鏡子里。在五光十色雜亂無章的招牌中,遠處有一個招牌清晰可見,上面的圖案是一只紫紅色的手套,酷似一只砍下來的手,血淋淋的,被拴在一只黃色的袖口上。