
modish adj.〔古語〕流行的,時髦的。adv.-ly ,-ne...


It is an organic whole that the “ boris “ brand serial sofas under command of the company are collected classically and modernly , meet different customers “ demands , the product design is exquisite , design modish , the style is succinct , the fashion does not lack refinedly , win the demand from domestic and international customers deeply 公司旗下“鮑里斯“牌系列沙發集古典和現代為一體,滿足不同客戶的需求,產品設計考究,樣式新潮,風格簡潔,時尚不乏典雅,深受國內外廣大客戶的需求。

The clean shoes machine with fashionable modish are the indispensable electric equipment products in the civilized place , family , factory , hotel , scientific research institution , universities and colleges , computer room and literature and art person who propagate essential product of unit 新潮時尚的潔鞋機是文明場所的必備電器產品,是家庭、工廠、賓館、科研機構、大專院校、微機房以及文藝宣傳等單位的必需產品。

What drouet said about the girl s grace , as she tripped out evenings accompanied by her mother , caused carrie to perceive the nature and value of those little modish ways which women adopt when they would presume to be something 傍晚,那個女孩在母親的陪伴下邁著輕快的步子外出,杜洛埃對她的風度大加贊賞。這使嘉莉意識到女性那些時髦的姿態和動作的性質和意義:它們使人顯得氣度高雅,不同凡響。

She had in her hand a fan , which some lady had given her to hold , and taking the most modish pose god knows where and when she had learnt it , fanning herself and smiling all over her face , she talked to her partner 她手里拿著一把折扇,一位小姐讓她拿去扇扇的。她裝出一副地道的交際花的姿態天知道她是何時何地學到的本領,她扇扇子,隔著折扇露出微笑,和她的舞伴交談。

One of the most fashionable treatments for disease , gene therapy , has so far made little headway in tackling one of the most modish of illnesses , aids and the human immunodeficiency virus ( hiv ) that causes it 到目前為止,當今最流行的疾病療法-基因治療,對于攻克肆虐已久的艾滋病( hiv引起的人類獲得性免疫缺陷綜合征)來說,同樣是停滯不前。

It is always asking enduring questions rather than merely producing modish and fashionable answers . its object is to teach the student , not the subject ; its objective is to take closed minds and open them 課程內容常常提出永恒不朽的問題,以代替時髦流行的答案目的啟發封閉,在教導學生而不在講授課題。

Long more popular than classical music in italy , opera continues to boom . some of the country ' s dowager opera houses have been refitted with modish new finery 在意大利,歌劇一直比古典音樂更受喜愛,而且仍舊在繼續發展。近來,意大利的一些老式劇院又被重新裝修得新潮時尚。

The girl was rather nervous certainly , for the most modish gentlemen were always the most obscene 她有些害怕了,因為那些最道貌岸然的男人往往是最卑鄙的人。

Looks forward to your presence in recreation center , karaoka disc and modish performing art 娛樂中心卡拉ok和新潮演藝吧期待您的光臨。

Criticism of modish painting 新潮美術批判

It was heard you are a man of modish opinion 據說你的觀點都很時髦

He was always careful to have money in his pocket, and to be modish in his dress, so that his son need not blush for him . 他袋子里總記得放些錢,而且衣服總要穿得體面些,免得兒子的臉上不光彩。

Rhoda's willowy figure, modish straw hat, and fuchsia gloves and shoes surprised janice . 羅達的苗條身材,時髦的草帽,紫紅色的手套和鞋使杰妮絲有些驚訝。