
modify vt.變更;修改;減輕,緩和,調節;限制;【哲學】規定,...


The static behavior of the new design was shown to be completely satisfactory by subsequent tests on a model thus modified . 以后進行的這樣修改后的模型試驗表明,新設計結構的靜力性能是很好的。

Interest in magic, which is said to be declining everywhere, is less modified in some islands than in others . 對魔法的興趣-據說各地都在每況愈下-減輕的程度在一些島嶼上也沒有其他島嶼嚴重。

Advancing technology and affluence make it easier to modify living conditions and the management of resource . 由于科學技術不斷發展,人們日益富裕,使得生活條件和資源的管理更加容易調節。

Advancing technology and affluence make it easier to modify living conditions and the management of resource . 科學技術不斷發展和人們日益富裕使得生活條件的調節和資源的管理更加容易。

It is possible to modify and combine existing laser, holographic and computer technology for intraoral use . 改進和綜合現有的激光、全息和計算機技術,以便用于口腔內是完全有可能的。

It would be naive to suppose that the theory has not been modified in the three centuries since its inception . 如果設想這個理論從誕生以來的三世紀內沒有被修改過,那就是太天真了。

The control force characteristics of manual-control system can be modified by the introduction of weights and springs . 可以通過引進配重和彈簧來改善手控操縱系統的操縱力特性。

We may infer that this process, continued during centuries, would improve and modify any breed . 我們可以推想,這個方法,如果繼續到數百年之久,必定會使任何品種得到改良。

The results are usually very mechanical and can be made attractive only if modified by a composer . 得出的結果通常是很死板的,只有通過作曲家修改之后才可能變得吸引人。

In recent years, these long-held beliefs have been not only somewhat modified but also supplemented . 在最近若干年中,長期以來的信念不僅已有些修改,而且有所發展。

Unquestionably, acidity is also modified by other genes, regardless of any major gene effects . 毫無疑問,不管酸度受任何主基因的影響酸度同樣由其它的基因所修飾。

However, man has been highly successful in his attempts to modify the weather on a very small scale . 但是,人類在小范圍內改善天氣的努力已經取得了很大的成功。

In a modified version it became a national craze after its appearance in a 1926 broadway musical . 1926年它稍經更改后出現于百老匯音樂喜劇中,隨后風靡全國。

The modified mercalli scale is a pastiche of psychological, engineering, and geological criteria . 修飛的麥卡利烈度表是心理,工程和地質標準的混合物。

His father who had begun life as an advanced nationalist, had modified his views early . 他父親年輕時,起先是個激進的民族主義者,但不久便改變觀點。

His original dream, however, modified by circumstances, had literally been fulfilled . 他原來的夢想,無論受到環境如何地限制,總算真正實現了。

Epithelial cells may be modified into secretory structures or glands of varying complexities . 上皮細胞可以組成各種復雜的分泌性結構即腺體。

Each nook and each object revived a memory, and simultaneously modified it . 每一個角落,每一件東西都勾起一段回憶,同時又在改變著這些記憶。

This system of modifying the carrier waves is called “amplitude modulation,“ or “am“ . 這個改變載波的系統稱為“振幅調制”或縮寫為“AM”。