
modificatory adj.修正的;更改的;調整的;緩和的,減輕的;【語法】...


If the industrial and commercial charter of the enterprise produces change , ought to be in since the day that mechanism of industrial and commercial administration handles change inside 30 days , hold modificatory society to be sure to register registration form of requisition and industrial and commercial charter , industrial and commercial change , society to be sure to register the concerned data such as card to be sure to local society agency orgnaization deals with change to register 假如企業的工商執照發生變更,應當在工商行政治理機關辦理變更之日起30日內,持變更社會保險登記申請書和工商執照、工商變更登記表、社會保險登記證等有關資料到當地社會保險經辦機構辦理變更登記。

Need to undertake modificatory land registering , it is earthy land ownership belongs to change , namely the change of access of state - owned land access , collective land ownership , collective land , 2 it is land utility change , use like residence of instead of urban industrial land the ground , business the ground , agricultural the ground turns into construction uses the land , wait because of garden of instead of farmland of agricultural interior structural adjustment 需進行變更土地登記的,一是土地權屬變更,即國有土地使用權、集體土地所有權、集體土地使用權的變更,二是土地用途變更,如城市工業用地改為住宅用地、商業用地,農用地變為建設用地,因農業內部結構調整耕地改為園地等。

The methods of modificatory lattice cross - section and equivalent circular cfst cross - section for calculating the maximum load of dumbbell cfst columns with eccentric loading were presented in this paper . the ultimate strength of 14 specimens were calculated by the two methods were close to experimental results . finally , the two methods were used to calculate the ultimate strength of arch bridge of zhengzhou yellow river highway 對現有鋼管混凝土啞鈴形構件極限承載力的計算方法進行了分析,在此基礎上,提出了計算鋼管混凝土啞鈴形構件的偏壓極限承載力的修正的格構式截面法和等效截面法,兩種算法的計算結果與試驗值均吻合較好,最后用這兩種算法計算了鄭州黃河公路二橋拱肋的極限承載力。

After already dealing with guaranty to register , if produce modificatory pawn , increase pawn , modificatory guaranty amount , money is planted or the circumstance such as mortgage time limit , contract of the guaranty notarial deed that should refer account to change content , original mortgage reachs photocopy of loan contract notarial deed , the mechanism that register makes corresponding modificatory guaranty register 已辦理抵押登記后,若發生變更抵押物,追加抵押物,變更抵押金額、幣種或抵押期限等情況,應提交記載變更內容的抵押公證書、原抵押合同及借款合同公證書復印件,登記機關作相應的變更抵押登記。

This article starts with the modificatory production function , establishes a new frame for theory analysis , based which this article then analyses the action mechanism of extrusion effects mncs gives to china , and discusses the three different phases of mncs ’ employment effects , namely absorb effects in short term , extrusion effects in medium term and draught affects in long term . bases on the analysis , the article makes a new explanation of china ’ s employment elasticity since china ’ s reform and opening 本文從修正的生產函數入手,構建了新的理論分析框架,在此基礎上分析了跨國公司對國內就業的擠出效應的作用機制,論述了其就業效應的三個不同階段,即短期的吸收效應、中期的擠出效應和長期的拉動效應,并在此基礎上對改革開放以來中國就業彈性的變化做出了新的解釋。

Based on the generalized variational principle of the modificatory variables and substituent shearing strain field interpolation of the bending theory of the mindilin plate , this paper brings up the nine - node mixed plate bending element and adopts the sap2000 ? a large - scale finite element analysis programs . by the examples , we find the precision of the method is satisfying 在對轉換層厚板進行局部有限元分析時,本文提出了基于mindlin中厚板彎曲理論的修正的二類變量廣義變分原理和替代剪應變場插值方法的九節點厚薄板通用的板彎曲單元,并采用了sap2000有限元程序。

Next analyzed were the characteristics of natural gas pipeline transmission ; cost , ratemaking principle , method of acquiring the pipeline transmission fee , constitution , calculate , management and control after that , wt ; compared service cost methods with economic evaluation methods and the one - part pricing method with the two - part pricing method . later on was introduced the regulate coefficient of pipeline transmission fee structure , established the modificatory two - part pricing method , and found out a natural gas pipeline transmission pricing method that is fit for china ' s current situation . finally , we validated the rationality and applicability of this metho j by the demonstrational analysis on the natural gas pipeline transmission price of “ the gas transmission from west to east “ pipeline this paper ' s research fundamental is : the fundamental of natural gas pipeline transmission pricing should reflect the characteristics of natural gas pipeline transmission 本文首先論述了自然壟斷行業的價格理論,然后分析了天然氣管輸的特點、定價原則及管輸費的收取方式、成本、構成、計算及其管理與調控;在此基礎上比較了中外天然氣管輸定價的服務成本法與經濟評價法,一部制定價法與兩部制定價法等;針對目前我國天然氣管道運價的制定現狀,本文深入研究了國際通用的天然氣管輸定價方法,引入“管輸費結構調整系數”的指標,建立修正的兩部制定價方法,找出了一套適合于我國當前國情的恰當的天然氣管輸定價方法,并通過“西氣東輸”管線加以實證分析,驗證了方法的合理性和適用性。

Meanwhile , the influence of doppler effect on pn correlation is analyzed . the realization principle and structure of the digital correlator is analyzed , and then the realization form of the classical and modificatory structure of the correlator is introduced 詳細分析了數字相關器的實現原理和實現結構,給出了經典結構和修正結構兩種結構的實現形式,分別對兩種結構進行了仿真分析,并對不同的實現形式進行了對比。

Be opposite namely insurant or policy - holder will tell , modificatory beneficiary beneficiary must inform an underwriter , otherwise the underwriter will give to the beneficiary beneficiary that appoints so pay insurance gold 即對被保險人或者投保人來講,變更受益人必須通知保險人,否則保險人將向原來指定的受益人給付保險金。

Because of the cession of insurance mark modificatory insurance contract has a kind of specific case , of the insurance mark that is freightage insurance contract make over , insurance contract is changed automatically 因保險標的轉讓而變更保險合同有一種特定情況,就是貨物運輸保險合同的保險標的轉讓,保險合同自動變更。

Eventually , the digital correlator of the modificatory structure is designed and realized by fpga , and it manifests very high and reliable correlative performance 最后用fpga芯片設計并硬件實現了修正結構的數字相關器,這種結構的數字相關器具有很好的工作性能。

A modificatory mle model has been put forward to reduce the estimate error of reliability characteristic parameter in case of the little fail data 本文提出一個極大似然估計( mle )的修正模型( mmle ) ,以減小采用mle在小子樣情況下可靠性特征量的估計誤差。

In addition , land he name of the grade of a right change , land , person that use , address changes , also should undertake modificatory registering 此外,土地他項權利變更、土地等級、使用者名稱、地址變化的,也應進行變更登記。

What principle ought to ? concludes and modificatory labor contract follow 訂立和變更勞動合同應當遵循什么原則