
modifiable adj.1.可修改的,可改變的。2.可緩和的,可減輕的。...


In the algorithm , a real - coded genetic algorithm ( rga ) is firstly adopted to globally search for the optimal solution to the optimization problem for some steps , and then a specially designed local optimization algorithm named modifiable search space random search algorithm is adopted to intensify the search for the optimal solution in the local region determined by the rga so as to improve the search efficiency and the solution quality 該算法首先采用實值編碼遺傳算法對優化問題進行全局最優搜索若干步,在此基礎上,采用一種專門設計的變搜索空間隨機搜索局部優化算法加強對重點區域的搜索,以提高搜索效率和改善解的質量。此外,為了提高遺傳算法的搜索效率,改進了一種自適應交叉概率和變異概率的計算方法。

Automatic control : the machine is programmable to run subject to the technique requirements and controlled by a set of equipment like plc , touch - screen monitor , frequency converter , dynamic braking , air - powered or hydraulic system programs are modifiable with individualized interface 自動化人機界面控制:通過plc ,觸摸屏、變頻器控制、能耗制動、氣動或液動系統,機器可按工藝要求設計相應的工作程序,并按所設定的程序自動運行,采用先進的應用程序,可以更方便的修改程序。

Methods . this approach doesn t provide the full flexibility possible when classes can be directly modified for instance , you can t use private fields of unmodifiable classes in bindings , as you can with modifiable classes , but allows a usable level of support within the limits of the java language and jvm license 這種方式沒有提供在可以直接修改類時可能有的完整的靈活性(例如,不能在綁定中使用不可修改類的私有字段,而在使用可修改類時可以) ,但是,這種方式在java語言和jvm許可的限制內,提供了可以使用的支持級別。

The generated source code contains all the calls necessary to reproduce the binary form of your template class , so you can theoretically merge this code into your application code and modify it to suit your needs such as by substituting in parameters for values that need to be modifiable at run time 生成的源代碼包含重新生成模板類的二進制形式所必需的所有調用,所以從理論上講,可以把這個代碼合并到應用程序代碼中,并修改它來滿足需要(例如,以參數的形式替換那些需要在運行時修改的值) 。

The paper summarizes the results of experimented and analytical studies concerning the flexural strengthening of repaired rc beams even when considering the limitation of the re member due to its un - modifiable shear resistance , it is shown that the applications of cfrp reinforcement can considerably increase untimate load resistance capacity and deflection at service 將分析結果與試驗結果進行比較后可以看出,即使不考慮粘貼cfrp片材對剪力的貢獻,加固梁的極限承載力仍然得到顯著提高。編制程序并繪制簡單的流程圖,通過計算實例可以證明這是一種能夠應用于工程實踐的設計方法。

Improving anil jain ' s algorithm , we propose a minutiae match algorithm . our improvement is focused on the following two aspects : first , we use a minutiae alignment algorithm based on the iteration of the neighbor minutia centered at the minutia gravity . secondly , we use a modifiable bounding - box to carry out minutiae matching , which makes our algorithm more robust to the non - linear transform of the fingerprint images 我們的改進主要體現在二個方面:首先我們利用了一種“基于重心附近遍歷的特征點對齊算法” ,該方法不需要記錄特征點的多余信息來進行特征點的對齊;其次,我們利用一個可變大小的“界限盒”來進行特征點的匹配,使得我們的匹配算法對指紋圖像的非線性形變具有更好的魯棒性。

The tool comes in two versions , a modifiable version ( microsoft access mdb file ) that you can customise according to your company s needs and an executable file that , while not wholly customisable , does not require you to own microsoft access 該工具提供兩個版本,一個是可修改版( microsoftaccessmdb文件) ,讓您能夠根據貴公司的需要自行定制,另一個是可執行文件,雖然不可完全定制,但您卻不需要擁有microsoftaccess即可使用。

If an inventory item inside of an object is no - modify , the object itself can still be modified . conversely , if an object is not modifiable , it ' s contents cannot be modified 如果物品是不能被下一個擁有者編輯,授權設置可理解為“沒人能再進行后續工作” 。例如,如果你賣掉的一輛摩托車不允許編輯,購買者不能把它變長哪怕一點點或是修改圖案,除非他新買一輛。

That is , it will have to recognize that some selected members are modifiable those in the java editor s outline view while others are not members from 即,它必須識別出某些所選成員是可修改的(那些位于java編輯器的outline視圖中的成員) ,而另一些成員是不可以修改的(存儲在jar文件中以及顯示在package explorer中的

On the basis of this , a locally modifiable algorithm is given , which is greatly intuitive and enables users to modify the polygons locally according to their requirement and desire preferably 在此基礎上,給出了局部修改算法,該算法具有很強的直觀性,能夠較好地根據用戶的要求和意愿對多邊形進行局部修改。

An estimated 2 . 3 million adults in the united states hae af , and that number is expected to increase substantially as the population ages , making identification of modifiable risk factors important 估計在美國有230萬成人伴有房顫,并且預計該數值實際隨著人口年齡老化會增加,對可緩和危險因子的鑒別非常重要。

If you declare a variable or constant outside a function or class definition , it is a global variable , and its value is accessible and modifiable throughout your program 如果在函數或類定義之外聲明變量或常數,則是全局變量,它的值可在整個程序中訪問和修改。

System classes , for instance , are not modifiable , while user - defined interface classes can be modified , but can t include actual implementation code 例如,系統類是不可修改的,而用戶定義接口類雖然可以修改,但是不能包含實際的實現代碼。

They believe that a person ' s political opinions are consciously arrived at after weighing the evidence thoroughly and are modifiable 他們認為,一個人在透徹地考慮所有的證據之后,他的政治觀點會自覺地形成,而且這些觀點是可以更改的。

3 ) locally modifiable morph of planar polygons : this paper presents a method for morphing planar polygons via discrete curvature interpolation 3 )可局部修改的平面多邊形的變形:提出了平面多邊形的離散曲率插值變形方法。

Property is modifiable , which is necessary because editing a control is a process that requires personalization changes 屬性所引用的個性化設置對象是可修改的,這是必要的,因為編輯控件是一個需要更改個性化設置的過程。

Property is modifiable , which is necessary because forming a connection is itself a type of personalization 屬性所引用的個性化設置對象是可修改的,這是必要的,因為形成連接本身就是一種類型的個性化設置。

The modifiable areal unit problem of spatial heterogeneity of vegetation communities in the transitional zone between oasis and desert 荒漠綠洲過渡帶植被空間異質性的可塑性面積單元問題

The software of system is programmed . the modular program can make the program readable and modifiable 系統控制軟件采用模塊化編程的方法,增強了程序的可讀性和易操作性。