
modicum n.〔常用 sing.〕一點點,少量。 a modicu...


The core element of social citizenship rights is combing social rights with citizen status , and the concept of social citizenship rights is commonly defined as “ from the right to a modicum of economic welfare and security to the right to share to the full in the social heritage and to live the life of a civilized being according to the standards prevailing in the society . ” by systematically exploring an academic foundation of the category of social citizenship rights , this dissertation attempts to explain the validity of analyzing social right problems from the perspective of citizenship theory , as well as some regions deserved our reflections 社會公民資格權利的核心要素是將社會權利與公民身份結合了起來,它一般被界定為是“從享有少許經濟福利和保障的權利,到享有分享全部社會遺產的權利,以及按照社會通行標準享受文明生存的生活權利。 ”本文通過對社會公民資格權利這一范疇作一個更系統的理論基礎探索,試圖說明從公民資格理論角度來分析社會權利問題的有效性和一些值得反思的地方。

But to stand working slowly in a field , and feel the creep of rain - water , first in legs and shoulders , then on hips and head , then at back , front , and sides , and yet to work on till the leaden light diminishes and marks that the sun is down , demands a distinct modicum of stoicism , even of valour . yet they did not feel the wetness so much as might be supposed 但是對于站在地里慢慢工作的她們來說,她們只是感到雨水在流動,首先是流進了她們的肩膀和小腿里,然后是腦袋和大腿,接著又是后背和前胸,腰部的兩側,但是她們還得繼續工作,直到天上表示太陽落山的鉛灰色亮光消失了,她們才歇下來,這的確是需要不同尋常的堅忍精神,甚至是勇敢的精神才能堅持。

Hunger was pushed out of the tall houses , in the wretched clothing that hung upon poles and lines ; hunger was patched into them with straw and rag and wood and paper ; hunger was repeated in every fragment of the small modicum of firewood that the man sawed off ; hunger stared down from the smokeless chimneys , and started up from the filthy street that had no offal , among its refuse , of anything to eat 饑餓是破爛不堪的衣服,在竹竿上,繩子上,從高高的樓房里掛了出來饑餓用稻草破布木片和紙補綴在衣物上饑餓在那人鋸開的少量木柴的每一片上反復出現饑餓瞪著大眼從不冒煙的煙囪往下看饑餓也從骯臟的街道上飄起,那兒的垃圾堆里沒有一丁點可以吃的東西。

Haggard saint antoine had had only one exultant week , in which to soften his modicum of hard and bitter bread to such extent as he could , with the relish of fraternal embraces an congratulations , when madame defarge sat at her counter , as usual , presiding over the customers 形容憔悴的圣安托萬只歡喜了一個禮拜。他用美味的友誼擁抱和慶祝使他那又硬又苦的面包盡可能地松軟了些。

The only way to keep on top of things , the only way to have any hope for a modicum of reliability , is to get rid of unnecessary complexity and tame the remaining complexity through all means possible 如果要想保持對它們的控制,或者說還希望哪怕有一點點可靠性的話,唯一的辦法就是剔除沒必要復雜的部分,而想盡辦法保持對其余部分的復雜性控制。

By forcing mr olmert to give mr abbas a clear promise of what and where an independent palestine will be , the americans and their arab partners may be able to restore a modicum of palestinian enthusiasm 只有讓奧爾默特向阿巴斯做出許諾何時何地可以建立一個獨立的巴勒斯坦國,美國和它的阿拉伯盟友才能重新激起巴勒斯坦人的少許熱情。

Their more comic legends are full of eladrin who are puffed up with their own knowledge but lack even a modicum of common sense , and cunning elf heroes who trick their foolish cousins 在很多過去難得見到精靈的人類村鎮,在人類中也出現了很多永久居住的精靈家庭,半精靈,甚至矮人,他們與別的種族一起對抗黑暗勢力。

There was a time when no self - respecting twentysomething japanese woman with a modicum of style would have been seen out and about in a kimono 詮釋著大和民族文化的和服曾一度被認為是過時之物而受到日本現代女性的冷遇。然而,時尚之都東京如今又掀起了一股和服熱。

In the hope that these people could someday be given a home , the brothers and sisters at least provided them with a modicum of comfort through the relief items 希望這些人有朝一日能有個溫暖的家,而同修最起碼可以提供他們慰問品,并帶來師父的愛。

I thought - foolishly , perhaps - that you had a modicum of brains in that swollen head , and ould be willing to exchange information 我覺得? ?或許這很蠢? ?你那腫脹的腦袋里可能有那么一點點腦子,并且它有可能樂于交換些消息。

Keeping a weather eye on it ( him ) nervously in front of the computer , for fear that a modicum of indiscretion would arouse his antipathy 緊張地坐在電腦前關注著它(他) ,生怕有那么一點點輕舉妄動會引起它(他)的反感。

In her lay a godframed godgiven preformed possibility which thou hast fructified with thy modicum of man s work 她身上有著天主所賜予的按照天主形象而造人的可能性298 ,你作為男子漢,不費吹灰之力便使她結了果實。

Engagement was supposed to bring economic benefits to the benighted north ; a modicum of mutual trust was meant to lessen its threat 韓國政府本打算通過接觸給蕭條的北方帶來經濟利益,并通過增加互信以減輕威脅。

Had the americans hanged him themselves , the condemned man might have been treated with a modicum of dignity 假如是美國人親手絞死薩達姆,這個罪人或許能死得稍微有尊嚴一點。

If he had a modicum of sense , he wouldn ' t do such a foolish thing 如果他稍有頭腦,就不會干出這種蠢事。

Thanks for indians to provide a modicum of challenge and danger 感謝印第安人提供的適量挑戰及危險。

There ' s not even a modicum of truth in her statement 她說的話沒有一點是真的。

On the whole they taught just a modicum of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry . 一般說來,它們只教一點算術,代數和幾何。