
modi n.modus 的復數。


Besides , of the several algorithms those have been proposed in the literature for solving the transportation problem , previous computational results indicated that the primal algorithm ( modi method ) is more efficient , so we have compared the amedv versus the modi method . because very little experimentation was carried out on algorithmic techniques used in the codes of amedv , we have also performed a number of runs that test the overall solution time as the number of significant digits in each of the parameters is varied 因為元素判別值分配法是運輸問題引發出的求解新方法,并且階石法是目前解運輸問題的較快速解法,所以特別針對運輸問題通過若干組有代表性的檢驗數據進行數值測試,在實際問題中對比元素判別值分配法與階石法的算法執行時間,研究兩對算法執行效率上的差別,并分析差別產生的原因。

Quality mode to be implemented , we have set up a suitable quality guarantee system and added up several kinds of product equipments , more over , a perfect lighting test equipment . thus , the quality of the products are totally under control and has got passed the british modi co 質量保證模式,建立了適宜的質量保證體系,近年來配置了多種生產設備和一套完善的電光源檢測設備,進一步加強了質量控制。并已由英國摩迪公司通過

Advise people with type 2 diabetes that lifestyle modi ? cation , by changing patterns of eating and physical activity , can be effective in controlling many of the adverse risk factors found in the condition 建議2型糖尿病患者進行生活方式的調整,改變飲食習慣和體力活動,可以有效改善多種危險因素。

Adise people with type 2 diabetes that lifestyle modi ? cation , by changing patterns of eating and physical actiity , can be effectie in controlling many of the aderse risk factors found in the condition 建議2型糖尿病患者進行生活方式的調整,改變飲食習慣和體力活動,可以有效改善多種危險因素。