
modesty n.謹慎,謙虛,虛心;(尤指婦女的)端莊,淑靜;節制,中...


Modesty seems to run in the family 謙遜似乎是這家庭中的特色。

Modesty is not only and ornament , but also a guard to virtue 謙遜不僅可增添光彩也可以維護美德。

Without modesty beauty is ungraceful and wit detestable 沒有謙虛,美麗就不端莊,機智也討人嫌。

Oh , don t fall back on over - modesty “啊,別以過份謙虛來搪塞!

If you have wit and learning , add to it wisdom and modesty 有了才能與學識,還要加上智慧與謙虛

Closely related to english reserve is english modesty 與英國人的矜持密切相關的是他們的謙遜。

Modesty helps one to make progress ; conceit makes one lag behind 謙虛使人進步,驕傲使人落后。

Modesty is a big issue in nigeria these days 當前,衣著端莊樸實已成了尼日利亞的一個大問題。

Because of that modesty , the great man then becomes even greater ? ?說自己運氣好只是種謙虛。

Mr . modesty won the joust last night 謙虛先生昨天晚上贏了一場決斗

Modesty helps one go forward , whereas conceit makes one lag behind 虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落后

Development of the elementary - school children ' s modesty behavior 小學兒童謙虛行為的發展研究

Of your modesty , economy and other amiable qualities 你的淑靜,節約以及其他種種可愛的優點

Drag the mouse to modesty dressed girls 鼠標拖動衣飾到率真女孩身上。

What we like the most about the great man is his modesty 對那位偉人,我們最喜歡他的謙虛。

In peace , nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility 在和平時期,我們要謙虛彬彬有禮

Rules and modesty destroy genius and art 規則與謙遜會毀掉天才和藝術。

Modesty is important to one ' s achievement 謙虛對一個人的成就至關重要。

Don ' t be such a prude you can carry modesty too far 別那麼拘謹你謙虛得太過分了。