
modest adj.謹慎的,謙虛的,客氣的;羞怯的;(尤指婦女)端莊...


Take the apple, miss garland. hear our modest tales of romance, and then award the prize as you may deem it just . 把蘋果拿著,加蘭小姐。聽聽我們淺薄的傳奇故事,然后根據你的判斷,獎給當之無愧的人。

All rudolph's tactful intimations about keeping a single modest style for the center had fallen on deaf ears . 魯道夫用了種種轉彎抹角的暗示要求在“中心”保持一種謙虛的風格,都成為耳旁風。

I limited myself to two modest ambitions : to do physical exercises every morning and to read more of an evening . 我把自己的決心限制于兩項小小的抱負:即每天早晨做體操,常在晚上多讀點書。

He had been unknown or unnoticed in the world drama and played a modest part in domestic affairs . 他在國際舞臺上原是一個不知名的或不被注意的人物,在國內事務中也只是一個普通的角色。

The narrow street with its modest two-family dwellings and tiny lawns was packed with his followers . 這條狹窄的街上都是兩戶合住的樸素房屋和小草地,這時已被跟隨他的人擠得水泄不通。

The east had its own charm of fine deep blue, and its own modest gem, a rising and solitary star . 東方有它自己的悅目的湛藍的美,還有它自己的謙遜的寶石,一顆徐徐升起的孤獨的星。

This, for the most part, modest array of events constitutes what might be called the first period of optics . 以上所說的基本上是各個事件的樸實的列舉,它可謂是光學的第一階段。

We should be modest and prudent , guard against arrogance and rashness , and serve the people heart and soul . 我們應該謙虛謹慎,戒驕戒躁,全心全意為人民服務。

Her air power was in quantity and quality far below even our modest establishments . 它的空軍,不論在數量上和質量上甚至比我們編制不大的空軍還差得很多。

There were modest tintinnabulations, which seemed to stutter and tremble like a first avowal . 有些鈴聲是緩和的,好像口吃,又像第一個字母阿阿的在發顫。

She could not begin to believe that she would take the place, modest as her aspirations were . 起初她不相信自己會接受這個位置,盡管她的希望并不過奢。

Its occupation was to speculate on laetitia dale's modest enthusiasm for rural pleasures . 她還強迫自己接受利蒂霞戴爾對農村的恰如其分的依戀感情。

We will have at any rate in our cathedral a decent, godly, modest morning service . 在咱們的大教堂里,至少要有一種體面的,神圣的,樸實的早禮拜式。

He lived in a modest house within the walls of the old imperial palace, the “forbidden city. “ 他住在昔日的皇宮“紫禁城”宮墻里一處簡樸的房子里。

This modest amount of sodium bicarbonate prevents the potassium depletion and demineralization of bone . 這點碳酸氫鈉量即可防止缺鉀和骨質脫鈣。

“one must be very modest then to take with such women,“ ralph said humbly . “一個人跟這樣的女人講話,千萬必須小心,”拉爾夫低聲下氣地說。

I keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms . 我有一種渴望消遣的強烈欲望,哪怕是一種最簡單最樸實的方式。

A modest clamping pressure is recommended for the epoxies during the cure period . 有人建議在治療期內對環氧樹脂施加中等的夾持壓力。

He shut his eyes and lifted up his shoulders, with modest consciousness . 他閉上眼睛聳起肩膀,裝出一副謙遜而又自命不凡的樣子。