
modernize vt.,vi.使現代化;近代[現代]化;用現代化方法。


Practice and exploration for creating basically modernized hospitals 創建基本現代化醫院的實踐與探索

Study and thought on modernized construction of marine fisheries 關于海洋漁業現代化建設的探討和思考

On the antipoverty significance of national life style ' s modernize 論民族生活方式現代化的反貧困意義

On the anti - modernized ideogiloical roots of japanese fascism 試論日本法西斯主義的反現代化思想淵源

Modernized new mode : construction of the environmental friendship type society 環境友好型社會的構建

On the modernized management of files at the age of knowledge economy 加強企業檔案管理的現代化建設

Modernized methods and propects of the diesel malfunction diagnose 柴油機故障診斷的現代方法與展望

Dandong to be modernized port city 建設東北東部現代化港口城市

He modernizes whole product range 他使所有產品系列現代化了。

With the extra money , the factory had decided to modernize . . 有了足夠的資金工廠開始現代化的改造

Building a new modernized model for library circulation management 論圖書館工作中的人本管理新理念

The inspiration gained from french modernized agriculture 法國農業現代化透視及其對我國農業的啟示

With the extra money , the factory had decided to modernize 有了足夠的資金工廠開始現代化的改造

Shanghai is a very modernized city 上海是一個非常現代化的城市。

It ' s necessary to finish modernize in developing market economy 發展市場經濟必須實現法制現代化

I am all for the modernizing of the plant 我完全贊成工廠現代化。

Modernized logistics and the relation of e - commerce development 現代化物流與電子商務發展關系

But he made strenuous efforts to modernize china 但是李鴻章也為中國的現代化做出了很大貢獻。

Modernizing traits of legal system reform in the late qing dynasty 清末法制改革的現代化特征