
modernization n.1.現代化。2.現代化的事物[版本等]。短語和例子a...


The theory and new trend of modernization in the west 西方現代化理論及其新趨勢

Asian modernization : the perspective of globalization 全球化視野下的亞洲現代化

The citizen education in the meaning of chinese modernization 語境中的公民教育

A review of the classical theories of modernization 經典現代化理論的源流與評估

The modernization and national consciousness in china 現代化與中國的現代民族意識

The cost of modernization and the choice of ownership 現代化的代價與所有制選擇

Scientific concept of development and china ' s modernization 特別發展階段的發展觀

Reform and opening and in the modernization drive 改革開放和社會主義現代化建設

Study of the modernization of huizhou traditional society 論徽州傳統社會的近代化

Thinking about chinese traditional medicine modernization 關于中醫學現代化的思考

Speeding up capital modernization of circulation industry 加快實現首都流通現代化

On modernization of editing of sci - tech periodicals 論科技期刊編輯工作的現代化

On the globalization and the modernization of chinese 試論全球化與中國人的現代化

Exploring the origin of educational modernization 兼論工業化不是教育現代化的起點

Capitalism , socialism and leap of human modernization 社會主義與人類現代化躍遷

Reflection on the modernization of higher law education 高等法學教育現代化的思考

On legal belief and the modernization of legal system 試論法律信仰與法制現代化

Rong hong : the outstanding pioneer of chinese modernization 中國近代化的卓越先驅

Political modernization of town : a case study of nanxun 南潯政治結構在近代的演進