
modernity n.(opp. antiquity) 現代性,新式,現代...


On the pre - modernity of modern chinese literature 論中國近代文學的前現代性

On modernity of technology and its post - modern veering 論技術的現代性及其后現代轉向

Modernity , post - modernity and the mission in education 后現代性與教育的使命

On frankfurt school ' s critique theory of modernity 法蘭克福學派現代性批判的理論路徑

Women who cross borders : mp gi s modernity programme 跨越地域的女性:電懋的現代方案

Floating modern society : rootless modernity and its expression 無根的現代性及其呈現

Eileen chang : a writer between tradition and modernity 游走于傳統與現代之間

Reflections on the post - modernity of the scientific spirit 對科學精神的后現代性思考

Out of the theoretical erroneous zone of modernity issues 走出現代性問題的理論誤區

Dilemma of modernity and marxists ' responsibility 世紀末的困境和新世紀的展望

Alien labour : key to marxist criticism of modernity 馬克思現代性批判的切入點

On the autonomy of art in the background of modernity 現代性視域下的藝術自律

Another profile of modernity in zhang hen - shui ' s novels 張恨水小說現代性的一個側面

The global environmental problems and modernity 論全球環境問題與現代性之檢省

The modernity analysis of cai yuanpei ' s college concept 蔡元培大學理念的現代性分析

On anti - modernity tendency in shen congwen ' s art view 沈從文文藝觀中的反現代性傾向

Modernity of chinese minorities ' literature 略論中國現代少數民族文學的現代性

Modernity in d . h . lawrence ' s novels seen from dance 從舞蹈意象看勞倫斯小說的現代性

Network culture on the stretch of human modernity 網絡文化對人的現代性的延展