
modernistic adj.現代派的,現代作風的;現代主義(者)的。


In the post - modernistic context , aesthetic quality of art education shows a tendency of plural developments the contradiction between technical rationality and emotion makes aesthetic emotion obvious in art education ; the contradiction between standardization caused by cultural industry and creativity highlights the aesthetic creativity in art education ; the contradiction between information globalization and nationalism makes people concern aesthetic nationalism in art education 在異彩紛呈的后現代語境下,藝術教育的審美品格呈現出多元化發展的態勢:技術理性與情感的矛盾,使藝術教育中審美情感得以凸現;文化工業所帶來的標準化與獨創性的矛盾,使藝術教育中審美獨創性得以高揚;信息全球化與民族性的矛盾,使得人們開始關注藝術教育中審美民族性的問題。

2 . background analysis about marine industry development considering that international marine economy is coming , china marine economy is standing up and the fact of the land area in zhejiang province is comparatively small , this article proposes that the marine industry in zhoushan should be opened , oriented , modernistic and demonstrated 二、海洋產業發展的背景分析。從國際海洋經濟的到來,中國海洋經濟的崛起,浙江陸域相對狹小及舟山市海洋資源稟賦的角度,指出舟山市海洋產業應具有外向性、現代性、主導性與可示范性。

Zhao shuli ' s particular folk position not only utilizes the popular way to begin the literary modernistic enlightenment on the political ideology from “ upper class “ to “ lower class “ , hot also refers to his standing on folk position to declare his opinions on national ideology from “ lower class “ to “ upper class “ for the peasants who don ' t have the right to speak out 摘要趙樹理特殊的民間立場,不僅在于其利用通俗手法將政治意識形態進行“上”對“下”的文學現代性啟蒙,也指他站在民間立場,代表并不擁有話語權的農民,從“下”而“上”對國家意識形態發表意見。

In order to achieve our goal , we ' d better base ourselves on chinese national conditions , carry forward the advantages of ours and use the experience of western countries “ moral education . only by this way can we structure a new moral education model , which serves both the present day and future . in other words , the new model is to make the aims of moral education methodical ; the contents of moral education epochal ; the ways of moral education synthetically ; the methods of moral education modernistic ; the channels of moral education systematic ; the estimation of moral education scientific and teachers qualified 其基本思路是,在繼承我國傳統道德教育模式有益成分和借鑒西方有益道德教育思想和經驗基礎上,立足當代中國國情,從現實的客觀需要出發,科學分析和研究社會轉型給道德教育提出的新問題和新要求,從而構建起既服務于現實又導向未來的新型道德教育模式:即道德教育目標層次化、道德教育內容時代化、道德教育方法綜合化、道德教育手段現代化、道德教育途徑系統化、道德教育評價科學化、道德教育者高素質化。

In essence , the quality of work is a progress in modernistic management , and embodies when the enterprises pursue the economical benefits , it regard of the person in organization at same times , it also reveal the aspects of humanity and spirit of the enterprise more deeply 從根本上來看,工作生活質量是現代組織管理的一大進步,它體現了企業在追求經濟效益的同時,對社會效益以及組織中的人的關注,更加深刻的展現了企業的人性面和精神面。

The parametric design technology was applied to the field of automobile brake design , the method of the modernistic design of automobile brakes based on i - deas was put forward and the software system of automobile brake parametric design ( zdqcad ) was achieved in this dissertation 本文將參數化設計技術引入制動器設計領域,提出了基于工程設計與分析軟件i - deas的制動器現代設計方法,完成了制動器參數化設計軟件系統( zdqcad )的設計。

In general terms , much serious literature written from 1912 onwards attempted to convey a vision of social breakdown and moral decay and the writer ’ s task was to develop techniques that could represent a break with the past . thus , the defining formal characteristics of the modernistic works are discontinuity and fragmentation 總之, 1912年以后許多嚴肅文學都力圖表達社會崩潰,道德淪喪的觀點,作家也使用新技巧,告別老傳統。

The post - modernistic film criticism in china , with its object of study covering all varieties of phenomena in films characteristic of post - modernism in china , has an apparent theoretical background owing to the strong influences by modern western film theories 摘要后現代主義電影批評因為受到西方當代電影理論的強烈影響而有著鮮明的理論背景,它的研究對象囊括了中國具有后現代主義特征的電影在內的各種電影現象。

In the discussion of the modern chinese literature ' s modernity , the writers from cities or the modernistic writers always attract the most attention , and those from countryside or the ones of local color are neglected at the same time 摘要在討論中國現代文學的現代性時,注意力往往集中在城市作家或現代派作家身上,而對鄉土作家或具有鄉土文化傾向的作家則有意無意地忽略了。

Based on chaotic technology , contemporary cryptology and their applications to modernistic information security and encryption , the author has performed comprehensive research and the research will be of great theoretical significance and applied value 本文圍繞混沌技術和現代密碼技術以及它們在現代信息安全保密方面的結合與應用這一課題,進行了較為廣泛深入的研究。

The image of father emperor of huang is of modernistic significance and of especially great importance to developing the spirit of humanity in contemporary society , which presents itself chiefly in culture acceptability at the worship ceremony of emperor of huang 黃帝人文始祖的形象具有現代性,對當代人文精神的構建具有重大意義,這集中體現在黃帝祭祀的文化認同上。

But the problems revealed may be concerned with the conservative attitude towards these excellent historical heritages without any modernistic transformation and meaning vested to meet the needs of the present age 但是,當前史學發展存在種種問題可能與我們對我國那些優良史學傳統抱殘守闕,沒有對這些優良傳統進行現代轉換并賦予它們符合時代要求的現代意義有一定關系。

The perfect discrete single and its design method play an important part in the optimizing design in the area of modernistic communication , radar , sonar , navigation , space ranging and controlling and electronically antagonism systems 最佳離散信號及其設計在現代通信、雷達、聲納、制導、空間測控、以及電子對抗等系統中,扮演著越來越重要的角色。

The developing keystones of beijing ' s modernistic peri - urban agriculture include : high - tech agriculture , brand agriculture , safety agriculture , tourism agriculture , organizing agriculture and information agriculture 北京市都市型現代農業發展的重點包括:高科技農業、品牌農業、安全農業、觀光農業、組織化農業、信息農業。

The programme demonstrates the distinguished presentation of a numbers of modernistic and superbly written works black and white series by prominent writer liu yi - chang 以劉以鬯三篇黑白系列包括黑色里的白色,白色里的黑色、盤古與黑及黑白蝴蝶作藍本,表現劉氏作品的現代主義色彩及令人眩目的寫作手法。

But the latter ' s narrations on city life have just formed a particular section , constituting the tension within modernity of narrations on city life together with the writers from cities or the modernistic ones 但后者的城市敘事恰恰形成一個獨特的層面,可以與城市作家或現代派作家共同構成對城市敘事的現代性張力。

Painted in cooperation with james , an american modernistic painter . the cooperation , as one art critic puts it , “ blazed a new trail for the integration of chinese and western painting “ 1989年與美國現代派畫家詹姆斯合作繪畫,中國美術家通訊報道此合作指出“為中西方繪畫的融合開創了新的道路“ 。

Taste , elegant and traditional sculpt , to comprehend and realize modern people , to figure by modernistic technology , all of this have formed the suspension art of yuesheng . 放都能體現產品的特點。萬能和通用無不體現“制造者”獨具匠心的工藝設計和巧手慧心

Colleges and universities , which are the main position of cultivating talent for modernistic construction , still need insist on the situation of marxism theory education 在培養現代化建設人才的主陣地? ?高校,更要堅持馬克思主義理論教育的主導、支配地位。