
modernist n.現代主義者。


From the perspective of the western art critic , these works have a kinship with various strains of modernist and postmodernist art 佛學大師李善單充滿活力的繪畫屬于這個特別類別。

The old theatre was designed by a young woman called elisabeth scott in 1920s modernist style 舊劇院是由一個名叫伊麗莎白?斯科特的年輕女人按照上世紀20年代的現代主義風格設計的。

Once when i was playing the piano , a brother initiate said to me , “ master is playing the piano in the modernist style . 師父彈鋼琴的時候,一位師兄跟我說:師父彈這個是現代派。

Unfortunately , this modernist interest in geometric simplicity and function became exploited for profit 不幸的是,這些現代主義者感興趣的是幾何的樸素和功能上變得更有利益。

As a result , the works created by the modernist writers are often labeled as anti - novel , anti - poetry and anti - drama 這樣一來,現代主義作品常被稱為反小說,反詩歌與反戲劇。

Worry about the human future - review directions of judging ugliness of western literature in modernist school of the 20th century 回望20世紀西方現代派文學的審丑取向一

Said deconstructs the cultural hegemony of orientalism from the post - modernist standpoint 摘要賽義德從后現代主義的立場出發,對東方學中的文化霸權主義進行了解構。

The chosen spot this year was la defense , a modernist business park on the west edge of paris 今年的活動在位于巴黎西端的拉德芳斯現代商業區舉行。

Double variation of modernist and postmodernist structure - the creative narration and expression in zhang yang ' s films 張楊電影的創造性敘事與表意

A detailed discussion on the aesthetic thought amp; amp; artistic manifestation of the modernist literature 現代主義文學審美思維與藝術表現探微

Similarity of intrinsic structure of the western modernist art and the life spirit of chinese art 西方現代派藝術與中國藝術生命精神的同構性

Enlightenment from post - modernist law to china ' s legal system construction and its law theory 后現代法學對我國法制建設和法律理論的啟示

Analysis of the cultural mentality of the modernist poets in peiping in 1930s 20世紀30年代北平現代主義詩人文化心態分析

The building of quot; greek temple quot; and shen cong - wen ' s modernist imagination 的建構與沈從文創作的現代性想像

Appreciating the spirit of the post - modernist curriculum in classroom practice 在課堂實踐中體味課程的后現代意蘊

Post - modernist education thoughts and enlightenment on adult education 論后現代主義教育思潮對成人教育教學的啟示

The aesthetics of chinese classic poetry and ezra pound ' s modernist poetics 中國古典詩歌美學與龐德現代主義詩學

The post - modernist moral education and its revelation to the moral education in china 后現代道德教育觀及其啟示

On canxue ' s modernist novels 談殘雪的現代主義小說