
modernism n.1.現代詞語;現代習慣,現代用法。2.現代思潮;現代...


Post - modernism soft decoration of living room 淺談后現代居室軟裝飾

General survey on chinese modernism poetry tides of 20th century 20世紀中國現代主義詩潮概觀

Post - modernism awareness of narrative research 敘事研究的后現代意識

The paradox of modernity and the essence of post - modernism 現代性的悖論與后現代主義的真諦

The classicism feelings of a modernism architect john portman 現代主義建筑師的古典主義情懷

On implication of modernism in li shang yin ' s titleless poems 關于李商隱無題詩的現代派意韻

Expression of post - modernism in painting and its analysis 后現代主義在繪畫方面的表現及分析

The analysis on the tendency of after modernism in sports reports 體育報道的后現代趨勢探微

Apporach of hinder modernism and modern psychology research 后現代主義與現代心理學研究方法

The aesthetic nature of modernism architecture 現代主義建筑的美學分析

Anthony giddens ' theory of sociology and the ethos of post modernism 吉登斯的自我認同理論

General outline of post - modernism architecture 概述后現代主義建筑特征

Influence of kuhn ' s view of science on post - modernism 試論庫恩的科學觀對后現代主義的影響

Discussions and retrospections on modernism in the new period 新時期現代主義的論爭與反思

Thoughts of later modernism and contemporary college students 后現代主義思潮與當代大學生

Science and culture in the field of vision of post - modernism 后現代主義視野中的科學文化

On philosophic origins of the chinese modernism literature 論中國現代主義文學的哲學淵源

Chinese modernism poesy : a form draw from the west 中國對西方的形式汲納

Man and nature in post - modernism perspective 后現代主義視野中的人與自然