
modern adj.現代的;近代的;現代式[化]的,時新的,新派的,...


The modern successor to the transistor is the integrated circuit . 晶體管的現代后繼者是集成電路。

Collins had exposed the fallacy of modern aesthetics to me . 科林斯曾經向我揭示過現代美學的謬誤。

Modern character is inconstant, divided, vacillating . 現代人的個性是無常的,分裂的,搖擺不定的。

All modern vessels of any size are fitted with radar installations . 所有現代化船只都有雷達裝置。

Brasilia has been carefully planned for modern living . 巴西利亞經過周密的設計,適合于現代生活。

Modern gauges consist of metal foil in the form of a grid . 現代應變儀則由網格形式的金屬片組成。

This is a tribute to the impact of bohr on the modern world . 這是贊揚玻爾對現代世界所做的貢獻。

Our modern atomic laboratories are built for safety . 我們現代的原子實驗室是考慮了安全而修建的。

Modern science has operated in self-contained compartments . 現代科學一直是分門別類各自為政的。

Photovoltaic cells are a product of modern solid-state physics . 光電池是現代固體物理學的產物。

The modern clinical use of curare probably dates from 1932 . 箭毒的現代臨床應用可追溯至1932年。

The book is detailedeven boring, to a modern reader . 書講得很詳細一對現代讀者來說甚至膩人。

Once again we beheld one of the wonders of the modern state . 我們再次目睹現代國家的奇跡之一。

Modern standards of historiography are, of course, lacking . 當然,書中缺乏現代編史工作標準。

The arena of modern science lies beyond direct perception . 現代科學的范圍超出人的直接感知。

In these respects, the fossils resemble modern humans . 在這些方面,這些化石類似于現代人類。

Modern continental law generally adopts the third solution . 現代大陸法一般采納第三種意見。

It is true that the modern christians are less robust . 誠然,現代的基督徒們不那么粗暴了。

More modern fluid bed driers are now much in use . 目前大量應用的是更先進的流化床干燥器。