
moderator n.1.仲裁者,調解者。2.(牛津大學 B.A. 學位第...


The moderator effect of attitude strength on the relationship between implicit attitude and explicit attitude 外顯態度關系的調節作用研究

Respect forum moderators , they all work to make this a better place for free 十、尊重版主,他們在努力將這里建設的更好,并保持免費服務。

A low energy neutron resulting from scattering reactions of a fast neutron with the moderator 因中子的動能與其溫度成正比,故而得名。

After i request another one of moderator ' s opinion , i will clear all overdue post 本人資詢另一位版主的意見后,決定將所有逾期文章清理

“ gentlemen , “ the moderator interrupted , “ i ' m afraid we don ' t have much time . “先生們, ”主席打斷了他們的談話, “時間怕快到了。 ”

The same , it will be up to the moderator to approve your message to be posted 同樣的,該郵件仍將由調節員決定是否許可發給整個社群。

Moderator : shu kei 主持:舒琪

No ~ the moderator is a easy approached man ! communicate with him more ! that ' s good 也不是~版主大大超好說話!和他多交流呀!好地呀!

Moderator : c . w . lam 主持:林超榮

The moderator shall collect the data items in table 4 from each inspection 評審負責人應當對每個評審收集表4中列出的數據項。

Moderator : lily poon 主持:潘芳芳姐姐

Moderator : leung man tao 主持:梁文道

Except the moderator , no one have right to decide which post is divagating 除版主外,其他版友無權決定任何貼文離題與否。

Application of an improved genetic algorithm in gear - driven moderator optimization 改進遺傳算法在齒輪減速器優化中的應用

These are online meetings in which moderators present information to attendees 主持人可以通過在線會議向聽眾提供信息。

Weider , since you are the moderator of this site , we will follow your lead 由于你是這個網站的議長,我會服從你的領導的

Nick gowing , bbc anchor and session moderator : would you like to elaborate on that 你愿意詳細地說明一下那件事情嗎

By default , you are the moderator of any web conference you create 默認情況下,您是您所創建的所有web會議的主持者。

Moderator : dr . louis ng executive secretary , antiquties and monuments office 主持:古物古跡辦事處執行秘書吳志華博士