
moderation n.1.緩和,減輕;節制;溫和,中庸,適度,中等。2.穩...


Moderation : avoid extremes ; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve 中庸:避免任何極端傾向,盡量克制報復心理。

To many , total abstinence is easier than total moderation ( saint augustine 對許多人來說,完全適度比完全禁欲更難做到(圣?奧古斯丁) 。

His life motto is : “ integrity , trustworthiness , goodnaturedness , modesty & moderation ” “誠、信、慈、儉、中”是他為人處世之準則。

Moderation . avoid extremes ; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve 寬容。以德報怨,別人冒犯你時要善于容忍。

Housing mortgage also experienced moderation , but its growth remained strong 從個人購房貸款看,增幅雖緩慢下降,但依然維持高增長。

They showed a remarkable degree of moderation in not quarrelling publicly on television 他們表現得極為克制,未在電視上公開吵起來

Your impulsive and restless nature needs to concentrate more on moderation 你沖動及魯莽的天性需要花費更多心力來調和。

You may lack moderation where pleasures , alcohol or diet are concerned 有關享受、酒精或飲食的方面,你可能會缺乏節制。

Work in moderation is healthy as well as agreeable to human constitution 適度的勞動對身體給予快感,又有益衛生。

Like any form of exercise , hula hoop should be started in moderation 像任一個鍛煉的形式, hula箍應該開始在緩和。

Experts say moderation - between one and three drinks a day - is the key 專家說,適量即每天飲1至3杯酒是關鍵。

Learn moderation in everything , and try not to be hypocritical 學習在任何事情都得中庸,并且試著別惺惺作態。

We should learn to say things in season and do things in moderation 我們應當學會說話合時宜,做事多考慮。

On the political philosophy of moderation 政治哲學略論

Signifying self - restraint or moderation 自我克制或適度

Let your moderation be known unto all men . the lord is at hand 5當叫眾人知道你們謙讓的心。主已經近了。

Have fun drinking in moderation 祝你們“適度飲酒”愉快

Some people say that drinking in moderation isn ' t harmful to health 有些人說,有節制地飲酒對健康無害。

Therefore , when using the internet , be sure to do it in moderation 所以在上網時,還是要有所節制才好。