
moderate adj.有節制的,溫和的,穩健的;中庸的;中等的;適度的...


Our traditional friends among arab moderated would be profoundly unnerved by the evident fact of us-soviet condominium . 這種明顯的美蘇共管的局面將使我們在阿拉伯溫和派中的老朋友畏縮不前。

A moderate to heavy rainfall, moving with the wind and lasting for nearly an hour, developed from the cloud mass . 這時從云團中發生一陣從中度到滂沱的大雨,雨水隨風轉移,持續近一小時之久。

The danger of publicity, and even moderate social success, is that scandal loves a shining mark . 出名--哪怕是普通的實際上的成功--之所以危險,是因為人們造謠專愛找一個有聲有色的目標。

In desperation he appealed to the very moderate tory, harley, who was minister of state, for assistance . 在走投無路的情況下,他向當時任國務大臣的十分溫和的托利黨人哈利求緩。

They were not well suited to each other in age or character, and they had no children to moderate between them . 他們的年齡和性格都不合適,又沒有子女緩和他們之間的沖突。

Butanes and butenes can be maintained in the liquid states at ambient temperature under quite moderate pressure . 在適當的大氣壓力及常溫下,丁烷和丁烯均可保持液體狀態。

The house, too, as described by sir john, was on so simple a scale, and the rent so uncommonly moderate . 而且,按約翰爵士所講述的,這所房子的規模很小,租金又非常便宜。

The fibers with moderate abrasion resistance include wool, cotton, and the high wet-modulus rayons . 具有中等耐磨損性能的纖維有羊毛、棉花和高濕模量粘膠纖維。

There is only a moderate increase in atomic size as we go down a given group in the periodic table . 當周期表中一定的族由上往下時,原子的大小僅有緩慢的增加。

The impact on productivity of extensions to the use of new information technology is much more moderate . 使用新的信息技術對提高勞動生產率的影響要緩和得多。

“of course, it would be a very painful duty,“ began mr. bird, in a moderate tone . “當然,這將是一種令人痛苦的責任,”柏德先生慢條斯理地開始回答。

Neutrons in the slow and moderate speed ranges can produce ionization indirectly in other ways . 慢中子和中能中子可以通過其它方式產生間接電離作用。

Light to moderate losses of pine and spruce cones are occasionally caused by squirrels . 松樹和云杉球果有時會遭到松鼠為害引起輕度或中等程度的損害。

He had played only a few hands with moderate luck when there was an interruption . 他今天的手氣平平,沒想到才打了幾副牌就來了打攪。

While he was drinking his moderate allowance, he said, with nothing to lead up to it . 他喝了一小杯酒,突然沒頭沒腦地說起這件事來。

Tunneling process is important in the low to moderate current density range . 在中等及中等以下電流密度下,隧道穿透過程是重要的。

If i were you , i 'd take a moderate stance towards your brother 's affairs . 要是我是你,我就會對你弟弟的事件采取溫和的姿態。

She readily obtained food, and shelter, and protection at a very moderate rate . 她能非常便宜地隨時得到食宿的方便和別的照應。

The series of moderate earthquakes has shaken the state since last summer . 自從去年夏季以來,這個州發生了一連串輕微的地震。