
modena n.深紫色。


The youngest team ever to top a swatch podium , xue chen ( 17 years old ) and zhang xi ( 21 ) snapped a seven - match losing streak to chinese rivals tian jia and wang jie to capture the 15th and final stop on the women ' s calendar that started in mid - may at modena , italy Swatch頂級賽事中最年輕的組合? ?薛晨( 17歲)和張希( 21歲)在和中國隊友田佳王潔第七次較量中,贏得了從5月中旬意大利開始的這個賽季第15站也是最后1站的比賽。

A baker ' s son from modena , italy , pavarotti rose to be a major star in the world of opera , yet remained a down - to - earth singer who enjoyed sharing stages with opera and pop stars alike 作為意大利摩德納一位面包師的兒子,帕瓦羅蒂上升成為歌劇界的一位主要明星,但他仍然保持著一名腳踏實地的演唱者的本色,不管是歌劇明星還是流行樂明星,他都享受與他們同臺表演。

With the teatro giuseppe verdi di busseto , in the ravenna festival , the nuovo piccolo teatro di milano , the teatro comunale di modena and the production that went on tour to moscow . she was again in the title role of 她在帕馬的托斯卡尼尼基金會首次登臺,飾演由薛費里尼執導的《阿伊達》 ,也曾于薩沃那上演的《蝴蝶夫人》首演中擔任女主角。

Apart from being a great defender , he also excels in free kicks , as the one against modena in recobalandia , and in headers , pain in the neck of all defences in corner kicks 除了是一名偉大的防守球員外,他還有著出色的任意球技術,就象在雷克巴蘭迪亞擊敗摩德納的比賽中進的那個,同時在頭球方面,他在角球戰術中是所有后衛的心病。

Foshan city modena machinery co . , ltd is a company with 100 % ownership by modena machinery ( international ) ltd . its main business scope covers manufacturing , sales and service of ceramic machinery 佛山市摩德娜機械有限公司是摩德娜機械(國際)有限公司的全資企業,主要業務是從事陶瓷機械的制造、銷售以及服務。

“ the great tenor luciano pavarotti died today at 5 a . m . ( 11 p . m . wednesday edt ) at his home in modena , “ robson said in a statement . he was 71 他享年71歲。 “偉大的男高音歌唱家盧西亞諾?帕瓦羅蒂于今早5點(美國東部時間周三晚11點)在其摩德納的家中過世。 ”羅布森在一份聲明中說。

In the third group , the matches will be bologna - modena and triestina - mantova , with the winners meeting catania and then , in the fourth round , milan 第三組的比賽是博洛尼亞摩德納,的里亞斯蒂納曼托瓦,最后的勝者第三輪迎戰卡塔尼亞,之后的勝者又將在第四輪面對米蘭。

The magnificent 12th - century cathedral at modena , the work of two great artists ( lanfranco and wiligelmus ) , is a supreme example of early romanesque art 位于摩德納的宏偉的12世紀大教堂,是蘭弗蘭科和威利蓋爾茨這兩位偉大的藝術家的杰作,是羅馬風格藝術的最杰出典范。

His manager , terri robson , told the ap in an e - mailed statement that pavarotti died at his home in modena , italy , at 5 a . m . local time 帕瓦羅蒂的經紀人特里?羅賓遜通過電子郵件給美聯社發了一份聲明,稱帕瓦羅蒂已于當地時間本周四凌晨5點在意大利摩德納的家中去世。

His manager , terri robson , told the ap in an e - mailed statement that p * * arotti died at his home in modena , italy , at 5 a . m . local time 帕瓦羅蒂的經紀人特里“羅賓遜通過電子郵件給美聯社發了一份聲明,稱帕瓦羅蒂已于當地時間本周四凌晨5點在意大利摩德納的家中去世。

Milanello - training ended with the usual mini - game between players wearing red - and - black shirts and those in a yellow bib . the team will leave for modena at 5pm cet 訓練以通常的小場地比賽結束,一隊穿紅黑劍條衫,一隊是黃色背心.隊伍將于下午5點出發前往摩德納

Bettini also played for palermo , roma , udinese , lazio and modena in his long career . he scored 110 goals in 270 top - flight appearances 貝蒂尼在其職業生涯中能夠除了國際先后效力過巴勒莫,羅馬,烏迪內斯,拉齊奧和摩德納。其270次頂級聯賽經歷中一共進了110球。

“ it wasn ' t all easy for us , but we did push modena hard , ” he said of today ' s comfortable victory at turin ' s stadio olimpico “這場比賽對我們并不容易,但我們還是在場面上壓住了摩德納。 ”德尚這樣評價球隊今天在都靈奧林匹克球場取得的酣暢淋漓的勝利。

Celebrities from the world of both classical and pop music are expected to attend the funeral of luciano pavarotti tomorrow in his home town of modena 世界古典音樂和流行音樂的名流們都期望明天能在魯契亞諾-帕瓦羅蒂的故鄉-摩德納參加他的葬禮。

For three years he participated in the chassis design of the formula student racing car , in partnership with the university of modena 連續3年,他參加了在底盤的設計公式,學生賽車,建立伙伴關系,與大學教育的一輩。

For ages the families from modena use to age a blend of strong wine vinegar and grape cooked must in the lofts of their houses 自古以來,摩典納市世襲相傳,將烈酒醋和葡萄汁混合,在屋內閣樓長年醞釀。

In july last year , pavarotti underwent surgery in new york for pancreatic cancer and retreated to his villa in modena 去年6月,帕瓦羅蒂在紐約接受了胰腺癌手術然后隱居在他摩德納的別墅里。

Mary of modena 摩德納的瑪莉

University of modena 摩德納大學