
modem n.【無線電】調制解調器。vt.【計算機】通過調制解調器...


Modem or direct connection to the internet 因特網:通過調制解調器或直接連接至因特網。

This example assumes the modem is on com1 此示例假定調制解調器在com1上。

Protocol specification for telephone modem communication 電話調制解調器通信的協議規范

Changes of values in modem times and urban intellectuals 近代價值觀變革與晚清知識分子

Zhao erxun and the development of modem education in hunan 趙爾巽與湖南近代教育的發展

Modern consciousness of modem enterprise manager 現代企業經營者的現代意識

This example assumes the modem is connected to com1 此示例假定調制解調器連接到com1 。

Dial a modem attached to a serial port 使用連接到串行端口的調制解調器撥號

Applications : xdsl , hfc , home pna , stb , cable modem etc 電纜調制解調器等通信設備中。

Ethical consideration about modem management of corporations 現代企業管理的倫理性思考

Just gone out - our modem , everything 壞了,還有我們的調制解調器,全壞了

The wizard was unable to set modem pool permissions 向導無法設置調制解調器池的權限。

Modem study progress of traditional vigur medicine 訶子的藥理作用研究進展

Cmtri cable modem telephone return interface 電纜調制解調器中回傳電話接口

Determine which serial port the modem is connected to 確定調制解調器連接的串行端口。

How to use a com port to communicate with a modem 如何使用com端口與調制解調器通信。

Just gone out - - our modem , everything 壞了,還有我們的調制解調器,全壞了

28 . 8 - kbps modem optional for local playback 28 . 8 - kbps調制解調器對于本地播放此項可選

On poetic research into modem chinese new poetic rhythm 論中國現代新詩韻律的詩學探索