
modeller n.模型(尤指塑像)作者;造型者。


And among those sections , recognition of target template is completed by blast ( basic local alignment search tool ) , modeling is accomplished by modeling software modeller , evaluation of structure rationality is achieved by software procheck 其中的目標模板的識別是通過局部對比排列搜索工具blast完成的,構建模型是通過建模軟件包modeller完成的,結構合理性評估是通過軟件包procheck來完成的。

Sme ( spatial modelling environment ) , which transparently links icon - based modeling environments with advanced computing resources , allows modellers to develop simulations in a user - friendly , graphical environment , requiring no knowledge of computer programming Sme明顯是利用先進的計算資源連接基于圖標的模型環境,它允許建造者開發用戶友好的模擬器,圖形環境,不需要計算編程方面的知識。

It ‘ s the first time that global climate modellers have worked so closely with teams running detailed regional models of snowfall , rain and stream flows to predict exactly what warming will do to the area 這是全球氣候模擬研究人員第一次如此密切地與具體研究地區性降雪、降雨及河流狀況模型的科研小組合作,從而準確預測氣候變暖對該地區的影響。

Until now , when climate modellers began to run one of their models on a computer , they would “ seed ” it by feeding in a plausible , but invented , set of values for its parameters 目前為止,當氣候模型學家在計算機上運行他們的模型之一時,他們會通過為模序的參數設置一組可行但是虛構的數值來給這個模型“播種” 。

We have to believe in these very warm , very wet storms , says andrew wood , a water resources modeller at the university of washington , seattle 西雅圖華盛頓大學的一位水資源模擬研究者安德魯?伍德說,我們將不得不相信會出現這種非常溫暖和潮濕的暴風雨。

You ' ve made some faces using facegen photofit and / or modeller , and now you need to get them into the game you ' re developing 一款人頭建模輔助工具。使用該軟件,你可以在臉模型上增加或修改網格,并給它賦予不同的性別,顏色、皮膚紋理等等。

In asia pacific , it is 2d layout then “ pdms modeller “ transfer to 3d and some company it is for show ( some companies ) 在亞太地區,一些公司是這樣的,做好二維平面布置,然后通過pdms建模的人裝入三維中。

Occupation : singer , modeller actress 職業歌手模特女演員

Occupation : singer , modeller actress nationality : thai - german 職業:歌手,模特女演員