
model n.1.模型,雛型;原型;設計圖;模范;(畫家、雕刻家的...


A decision tree is a graphic model of a decision process . 決策樹是描述決策過程的一種圖形。

I will trade you my stamp collection for your model boat . 我想用我搜集的郵票換你的模型船。

Models will be refined, modified, or even replaced . 各種模型將進一步精確,完善甚至修改。

He has painted nude models . 他畫過裸體模特兒。

It was a big face, impressive, well modeled . 他的面龐很大,具有感人的力量,生得很端正:

Customers would be more interested in the basic models . 顧客們比較喜愛我們的基本型號。

The operation itself was a model of combined work . 這次戰役本身是聯合作戰的一個范例。

She did some modeling as a student to earn a bit of money . 她上學時當過模特兒賺些錢。

This behavior follows from the thomson atomic model . 這種行為可由湯姆森原子模型推知。

Growth models usually consider labor as homogeneous . 增長模型常常把勞動力視為同質的。

You have invariably been models of courage and fidelity . 你們始終是勇敢與忠誠的模范。

The cyclic model of the universe is clearly attractive . 宇宙的循環模式顯然富有魅力。

The painter modeled his style after that of picasso . 這位畫家模仿畢加索的繪畫風格。

Is it the exact model and counterpart of the dog ? 它不是那個狗東西的模型和化身嗎?

You will take those great writers as your models . 你要把那些偉大作家作為你的典范。

Sheriffs were introduced on the english model . 司法行政官是按英格蘭的模式創立的。

Our latest model should meet your requirements exactly . 我們的最新型號包你滿意。

It is perhaps worthwhile to use a simplistic model . 用最簡單的模式也許是值得的。

This does not mean that the model must be discarded . 這并不意味著必須放棄模型。