
mode n.1.法,樣,方法,方式。2.模,型;樣式,體裁,款式...

mode locked

Such a collective mode is not excited by a projectile with the same mass to change ratio as the target . 這種模式不能從與靶核有相同荷質比的入射核子激發出。

We discuss in more detail the application of the coupled mode formulas to scalar waveguide deformations . 我們將詳細討論耦合模公式對標量波導畸變的應用。

In a molecule as complex as benzene a very considerable number of normal vibrational modes are possible . 象苯這樣復雜的分子,可能存在很多簡正震動形式。

Inflammation is not only occasionally the cause of disease, but it is often a mode of cure . 炎癥不僅有時是疾病的原因,而且常常是愈合的一種手段。

The higher modes have shorter periods than the fundamental mode and, moreover, they have higher velocities . 高振型波比基階振型波周期短,波速高。

Even so, the mode of action of the ethylene so produced is still difficult to specify . 即使是如此,這樣產生的乙烯的作用方式仍是難以詳細說明的。

One mode is slippage along the discontinuity provided by the lubricated fault plane . 其中一種方式是沿著潤滑的斷層面所形成的間斷面而發生滑動。

He would often adopt certain modes of thought that he knew to be really alien to his nature . 他會經常采納他認為真正違背自己天性的思想方法。

The poor were under the necessity of using the mode of conveyance with which nature had provided them . 窮人只好用爹娘給他帶來的交通工具。

The dynamics of the feed system are also an integral part of feed system coupled modes . 供應系統動力特性也是供應系統耦合振型的主要部分。

Mode locking can be induced not only by loss modulation, but also by phase modulation . 鎖模不僅可用損耗調制取得,也可用位相調制來得到。

A surprise in this computation is the presence of prograde motion in the fundamental mode . 一個意外的計算結果是在基本型中出現前進運動。

It is possible that in any given situation different modes of failure are in competition . 在給定條件上,各種形式的失效有可能競相出現。

Distress or seizure of property was the mode of satisfaction for breach of contract . 扣押或占有財產是對違反合同而獲取補償的一種方法。

It is possible to describe the excitation spectra in terms of elementary modes of excitation . 可以借助于基本激發模式來描述激發譜。

Perhaps nothing so soon betrays the education and association as the modes of speech . 也許談吐最能說明一個人的教育水平和交際面了。

The addition of water to soils will speed up nearly all modes of pesticide dissipation . 澆地將使各種土壤農藥消散方式幾乎都變快。

There must be no critical races when the circuit is operated in fundamental mode . 當電路按基本方式工作時,必須沒有臨界競爭存在。

The frequency associated with the first mode is sometimes called the fundamental frequency . 和第一振模相聯系的頻率有時叫做基頻。