
modality n.形態,樣式,方式;【數學】模態;【邏輯學】程式;感覺...


Different stages of disease or level of severity may require different modalities of treatment 當然這樣會對病患者帶來許多不便。

Visual search performance study between single and multi - modality highlighting on high level difficulty 底紋對圖形的突顯工效研究

Application for the accounting principle of which essence is more important than modality 實質重于形式原則在具體會計實務中的運用

It should be the first choice management modality in premenopausal breast cancer patients 這是絕經前乳腺癌患者的首選治療方案。

Chaos is a very complicated motion modality and nonlinear phenomenon 摘要混沌是一種極其復雜的運動形態和非常普遍的非線性現象。

This paper discussed the modality of ringed piping in the procedure of fire fighting 討論了消防過程中環狀管網中的水流狀態。

Has a new modality of space and time arisen , different from physical space - time 出現了有別于物理時空的,某種新的時空形態嗎?

The cognitive and neural mechanisms of modality effects in implicit memory 智障兒童和正常兒童外顯記憶與內隱記憶的比較研究

Several modalities of body - mind relations in the traditional chinese philosophy zhang xuezhi 中國哲學中身心關系的幾種形態

Codes for traffic accident information - part 2 : code of traffic accident modality 道路交通事故信息代碼.第2部分:事故形態代碼

Interface analysis of possibility modality and hedges in academic discourse 學術語篇中可能性情態與模糊限定語的接面分析

The hydrolysis - polymerization process of composite polymeric aluminum chloride and its modality 聚合歷程及結構形貌研究

The etiology and rescue modalities of 1692 cases of acute chemical poisoning 急性化學品中毒1692例成因分析及救治特點

Multiple modality endovascular treatment for intracranial venous thrombosis 多途徑聯合血管內治療顱內靜脈竇血栓形成

Electronic administration and establishment of service administration modality china 以汕頭市政府電子政務建設為例

Multi - modality control of thermal drive part based on deformable body 基于變形體的熱驅動部件多模態控制策略研究

On the modalities and approaches of higher education theoretical creativity 論高等教育理論創新的形態與途徑

Finite element modality analysis of swinging movable teeth reducer box 擺動活齒減速器箱體的有限元模態分析

The process and modality of historiography 過程與形態