
modal adj.1.方式上的,形態上的;【哲學】(對本質、內容說...


“ yes / no ” questions begin with an auxiliary or a modal 一般疑問句以助動詞或情態動詞開頭。

Decomposition of time - variant modal by time - frequency filter 基于時頻濾波的時變模態分解方法

The modal analysis of circular saw blade with fem based on ansys 的木工圓鋸片有限元模態分析

When a form is displayed as a modal dialog box , clicking the 當按模式對話框顯示窗體時,單擊

For example , excel might be displaying a modal dialog 例如, excel可能正在顯示模式對話框。

Study of predicting the outflow of mine gas based on gm modal 模型的礦井瓦斯涌出量預測研究

Indeterminacy in the use of english modal auxiliary verbs 論英語情態助動詞使用中的不確定性

On the redundancy of complex modal parameters 關于復模態參數的冗余性

Modal analysis using operating modal identification method 采用工作模態識別法進行模態分析

Modal analysis on the arm of shotcrete robot 噴漿機器人大臂的模態分析

Some problems in generalized modal logic 廣義模態邏輯研究中的若干問題

Analysis of experimental modal in structural damage detection 結構損傷檢測的實驗模態分析

The analytic limit of genuine modal realism 真實模態實在論的分析局限性

Note that all subjects take the same form of the modal 注意所有主題采取同一形式的語氣。

Modal control and time - delay compensation of linear systems 線性系統模態控制及其時滯補償

The stress on modal verbs and auxiliaries in oral english 英語口語中情態動詞和助詞的重讀

Modal test and analysis of dump truck frame 自卸汽車車架模態試驗與分析

Theoretical deduction and modal analysis of cosine horn 余弦形變幅桿的理論研究及模態分析

Ethics - economy ecology : a modal conversion of moral philosophy 一種道德哲學范式的轉換