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mod e Mod E, Mod. E.= Modern Engli...


Abstract : experiences in innovation and expansion projects of larg e - scale refineries during the ninth five - year plans were reviewed . trends const ructing large - scale petroleum refining enterprise were analyze d together with its basic features , it was pointed out that reforms of design mod e should be continually deepened to establish large - scale refineries 文摘:回顧了“九五”期間幾個大型煉油改擴建工程的經驗,分析了建設大型煉油企業的趨勢及具備的特征,指出了為建設大型化煉油廠,應繼續深化工廠設計模式改革的6個方面的內容。

Experiences in innovation and expansion projects of larg e - scale refineries during the ninth five - year plans were reviewed . trends const ructing large - scale petroleum refining enterprise were analyze d together with its basic features , it was pointed out that reforms of design mod e should be continually deepened to establish large - scale refineries 回顧了“九五”期間幾個大型煉油改擴建工程的經驗,分析了建設大型煉油企業的趨勢及具備的特征,指出了為建設大型化煉油廠,應繼續深化工廠設計模式改革的6個方面的內容。