
mod n.〔亦 M-〕〔英國〕現代派分子,時髦派分子〔英國六十...

mod e

I have the format of mod file , and many other file formats , such as mid , wav 我想寫個播放mod音樂的控件,請問哪有這種音樂文件格式的說明文檔。

Auto on mod 自動開機模式

Potential mod by 潛在的以

As mod as sb 與某人一樣時髦

Probability distribution and recursive formula of difference between mod 2n sum and xor over f 2上異或運算差值的概率分布和遞推公式

Fuel tanks are the label used for mods that convey different damage types to weapons 燃料罐指的是那些轉換武器不同傷害類型的插件。

From there you must trinket his fear as soon as it lands ( the ioth mod helps greatly ) 從這里開始,你必須馬上解掉施你身上的恐懼。

In billion mod 按付款當日價格

Married to : danny moder 生肖:羊

Figure in billion mod 以十億元計

Dual leech is possible , if you get life leech as a random mod 血魔雙吸也是有可能的,只要合成的戒指的隨機屬性中有吸血的屬性。

Under an array . offers more choice for enthusiasts with cooler mods 等零配件,提供玩家們組裝改裝上的選擇另外,在冷卻機組與

Offers digital music in mod and midi format , plus some c codes -提供最新消息音樂試聽組員檔案歷年檔案桌布下載和留言板。

It was a small cottage in a remote village , with few mod cons 那是一個遙遠的村子里的一個小農舍,幾乎沒有什么現代化的設備。

931 in mod prices 931以當日價格計算

Ape figure in billion mod 以十億元計

He is the very mod . no 他就是那個不對

The migration of labor ( mod , takes an important role in economic development 勞動力轉移在經濟發展中具有重要地位。

Configuring mod ssl adds information to the apache source code 對mod _ ssl進行配置的操作要將信息配置到apache源代碼中。