
mockingly adv.嘲笑地,愚弄地。


On the basis of brief reviewing the progress of the researches about the relative fields at home and abroad , the system of economic sustainable development of huangling county was qualitatively analyzed in the thesis according to the life - cycle theory of products and industries , the theory of export guiding and the theory of economic sustainable development . and the method of systematic dynamics was applied in programming and mockingly regulating the ec onomic sustainable development of huangling , the best model for the economic sustainable development of county regions was discussed . and pointed out that the key to realizing the economic sustainable development of county regions was to suitably adjust the industrial structure , to transform the single structure into the multiple - levels and diversified structure and then to realize the recreation and substitution of advantages by developing coal industry and some non - coal industries such as agriculture and tourism that possess the regional advantages 本論文在簡要回顧國內外相關領域研究進展的基礎上,依據產業和產品的生命周期理論、出口導向理論和經濟可持續發展理論,對黃陵縣域經濟可持續發展系統進行定性分析,并運用系統動力學方法對其進行規劃與模擬調控,探討了縣域經濟可持續發展的最優模式,指出實現縣域經濟可持續發展的關鍵是適時進行產業結構調整,由單一的結構向多元化、多層次轉變,通過發展煤炭產業和具有區域優勢的農業、旅游等非煤產業實現優勢再造和優勢替代。

Soul immediately went out of my body in which it used to dwell , stood beside the bed where the body was laying , looking down at the body , coldly , and mockingly 靈魂馬上從我的身體里鉆了出來,站在身體旁邊,冷冷地,并帶著嘲諷地看著這身體。

The latter , however , laughed mockingly and said , “ i will come in three years and get what belongs to me , “ then went away 陌生人嘲笑地說:三年之后,我會來取走屬于我的東西。說完便走了。

His eyes were smiling again , a little mockingly , but warm and blue , and somehow kind 他的眼睛重新笑著。雖然帶點嘲諷的神氣,但是很藍,很溫暖,而且慈祥。

Afraid of the chickens she is , he said mockingly . afraid of the chookchooks “它害怕小雞哩, ”他調侃地說, “害怕咯咯叫的小雞。

Mockingly earthquake ! save me 地震了!救我呀

Lily tried to laugh the whole idea off and looked at them mockingly 莉莉試圖將這一切一笑了之,她嘲笑的看著他們。

[ mockingly ] earthquake ! save me 地震了!救我呀

Mockingly the duck may swim on the lake , 也許鴨子是在湖上游泳,

Mockingly privacy ' s a privilege , anna 隱私是一項基本權利,安娜

Lynch indicates mockingly the couple at the piano 林奇嘲笑般地指了指坐在鋼琴對面的一對男女。

[ mockingly ] the duck may swim on the lake , 鴨子可以在湖上游泳,

[ mockingly ] privacy ' s a privilege , anna 隱私是一項基本權利,安娜

Pilar stood with her hands on her hips looking at the boy mockingly now . 這時比拉爾雙手叉在腰上,作弄人地望著那小伙子。