
mockingbird n.【鳥類】模仿鳥〔產于北美南部及西印度群島〕。


One night , the shepherdess and the sweep come to life and attempt to escape from the palace . with the help of the mockingbird , they enter the magical lower city 某夜,牧羊女和煙囪清潔工從畫里逃走,在喜愛跟國王作對的大鳥幫助下,他們走進了城市底層的魔幻世界。

Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds , they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues 雖然嘲鳥能夠很像的模仿很多鳥的叫聲,但它們仍然能通過一些聲音的線索被很快的鑒別出來。

Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds , they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues 盡管模仿鳥學很多種鳥的鳴叫聲惟妙惟肖,但人類還是能夠依其聲音上的線索很快識別它們。

I ' m mockingbird 我就是“嘲鳥”

To kill a mockingbird 殺死一只知更鳥

And if that mockingbird don ' t sing , mama ' s gonna buy you a diamond ring 若是那戒指變成銅,媽媽再為你買一面小明鏡。

State bird : mockingbird 本欄責任編輯: david

Please , what is mockingbird 到底什么是“嘲鳥” ?

You will have your people deliver mockingbird to me within the hour , 讓你們的人一個小時以內把“嘲鳥”還給我

And if that mockingbird don ' t sing 如果嘲嘲鳥不唱歌

Please , what is “ mockingbird “ 到底什么是“嘲鳥” ?

And if that mockingbird don ' t sing 如果那笨鳥不唱歌

Mama ' s gonna buy you a mockingbird 媽媽給你買只嘲嘲鳥兒

I don ' t know what “ mockingbird “ is 我不知道什么是“嘲鳥”

Uh , a name keeps coming up in your data - - “ mockingbird . 有一個名字“嘲鳥”一直出現在你的數據中

- i don ' t know what mockingbird is . - you ' re wasting time -我不知道“嘲鳥”是什么-別浪費時間了

Uh , a name keeps coming up in your data - “ mockingbird . 有一個名字“嘲鳥”一直出現在你的數據中

I don ' t know what mockingbird is . - you ' re wasting time 我不知道“嘲鳥”是什么-別浪費時間了

I want confirmation mockingbird ' s en route 我要確定“嘲鳥”在路上了