
mockery n.1.愚弄,嘲笑,挖苦。2.笑柄。3.學樣,冒牌,(拙...


Through his foolishness he became a mockery in the village 因為愚笨,所以他成為了全村愚弄的對象。

She heard the mockery in his tone 她聽見他的聲音里含著譏諷。

The performance was an utter mockery 這演出純粹是拙劣的模仿

Babarian , philip makes a mockery of dienisious every night 真是蠻子,腓力每晚都在侮辱狄俄尼索斯

And complete mockery of his wedding vows 然后嘲笑他的婚禮誓約

All our hopes were mockeries 我們的一切希望都只是被愚弄罷了。

His trial was a mockery of justice 對他的審判是對正義的踐踏。

Was it but the mockery of penitence 難道只是對仟悔加以嘲弄嗎?

I said to my cousin , disregarding the old wretch s mockery 我問表弟,不理會那個老東西的嘲笑。

The judge ' s frequent interventions made a mockery of justice 法官的屢屢干預是對正義的踐踏。

Afte12 years , i ' m immune to mockery , o 在12年以后,我已經對嘲笑免疫了

He replied with a note of mockery in his voice 他帶著嘲笑的聲調回答

He repeated , in a tone of mockery “臥房, ”他用嘲弄的聲調重復一下。

The storm made a mockery of their efforts 暴風雨使他們的努力徒勞無功。

Render : a pandoran mockery of the ulgan lineage 源于烏爾根的尸禍偽系。

Their mockery of john hurt his feeling 他們對約翰的嘲弄傷害了他的感情。

The faint smile of mockery narrowed his eyes 一個輕輕的譏諷的微笑,把他的眼睛縮小了。

Torch - born : a pandoran mockery of the frankenstein lineage 源于弗蘭肯斯坦的尸禍偽系。

Self - mockery may sometimes mask great conceit 自嘲有時隱藏很大的自負。