
mock vt.1.嘲笑,挖苦。2.學樣子嘲弄;模擬。3.騙,引誘...

mock auction

You ' re mocking me . - yes , i ' m allowed to flirt 你瞧不起我?是的,所以我可以挑逗

Mock objects provide a way out of this dilemma 模仿對象提供了解決這一困難的方法。

Yeah , go ahead and mock me , but this is serious 對,繼續嘲笑我但是這是件嚴肅的事

I won ' t have you mocking the good work she ' s doing 我不允許你嘲弄她做的好事

Mock up a display of what the portlet may look like 模擬portlet的外觀顯示。

Invoke domain code with mock objects as parameters 將模仿對象作為參數來調用域代碼

It all came different ! the mock turtle repeatedthoughtfully “怪得沒法再怪啦。 ”

Let not ambition mock their useful toil 不要讓雄心勃勃的人嘲笑他們的有益勞動吧。

You are mocking forever man ! where did he go 你冒充foreverman !快說,你去哪了?

So long as women don t mock what matter 只要不遭到女人的嘲笑,又有什么關系?

Cried the mock turtle , capering wildly about 素甲魚叫道,它發瘋似地跳來跳去。

O angel , you are mocking ! mother , i beg pardon “啊,安琪爾,你是在說笑吧! ”

The well-kept lawns, the artificial water and the trim paths give a mock rurality that is infinitely amusing to persons who do not wish to take things too seriously . 那修剪得齊整的草地、人工水流和平坦的小路,顯出一種模擬的鄉間風味,對那些也不愿過于認真的人們,是趣味無窮的。

It was not the joyous laughter which--god knows why--one associates with children. it was mocking and insular, its intent was so denigrate . 這不是愉快的歡笑聲--只有天知道為什么--孩子不應該發出這種笑聲。它是嘲弄、冷漠、抵毀人格的笑聲。

Then his father could not beat him any more, or despise him any more, or mock him any more-he, john, the lord's anointed . 到那時,父親再也不能打他,再也不能鄙視他,再也不能嘲笑他--他,約翰,將是主的使者。

It was a tonic to watch mrs. thatcher making rings round mr. short and mocking the intellectual inanity of this case . 瞧一瞧撒切爾夫人把肖特先生搞得暈頭轉向并嘲笑他智力上的貧乏,是一種使人振奮的滋補劑。

He said: “oh, they mock at me! they will go and tell. oh! why did i come here to cast away my life? “ 他說:“啊,他們和我開玩笑!他們會去報告。啊!我為什么要上這兒來送死呢?”

There were people in the church, and even men carrying the gospel, who mocked deborah behind her back . 教會里有些人甚至那些傳播福音的男人在背地里嘲笑黛博拉。

Or is there none of the usual advantages to bar the approach of death, and mock his idle threats ? 而且,攔住死神,不許它這么咄咄逼人,就一點兒好處都沒有嗎?