
mocha n.穆哈〔阿拉伯也門共和國西南一海港〕。

mocha stone

While mocha s vulnerability to this type of bomb could be considered a bug , it s more likely that it was deliberately created by van vliet in response to all the concern about mocha 盡管mocha對于此類炸彈的脆弱性可以被認為是一個程序錯誤,但更有可能的是van vliet為了回應對mocha的攻擊而故意設置的。

We go through the foot - stomping , shouting ritual , and then we get in the car so he can go to eat a burger or drink a “ mocha “ , as he did nearly 70 years ago with my father 我們先要跺跺腳,大叫上幾聲,然后上車,他便可以去吃漢堡包或喝杯“摩加”什么的,就像他將近70年前與我父親在一起時那樣。

Meanwhile the mongolia was pushing forward rapidly ; on the 13th , mocha , surrounded by its ruined walls whereon date - trees were growing , was sighted , and on the mountains beyond were espied vast coffee - fields 遠處,在萬山叢中,是一片一片的咖啡種植場。路路通眺望著這座名城不禁心曠神怡。

A 20 - ounce venti banana mocha frappuccino with whipped cream contains 720 calories and 11 grams of saturated fat6 , and a banana cream crunch bar weighs in at 630 calories and 25 grams of saturated fat 一份20盎司超大杯的香蕉摩卡星冰樂,再加上生奶油就含有720卡的熱量和11克的飽和脂肪。

They had purchased a cake , a “ mocha , “ in the rue de la chaussee - d antin , and they ate it in bed , seeing that the night was not warm and it was not worth while lighting a fire 他們在當丹河堤街買了一塊咖啡奶油蛋糕,回到家里在床上吃,因為天氣不暖和,在床上吃,這樣可以免得生火。

Rich , plumy red in colour . commercially appealing style with dark raspberry fruit flavours supported by mocha and spice . provides ripe red cherry and strawberry flavors with a soft , velvety mouthfeel 色澤如紅莓般深厚,覆盆子的味道伴隨著咖啡和辛香,口腔滿布櫻桃和草莓的醇和。

Companies and individuals with an investment in protecting their source code have been raising a stink about java decompilers since mocha was first introduced in 1996 自從mocha于1996年首次發布以來,一些在保護它們的源代碼方面有過投資的公司和個人一直在為java反編譯器大吵大鬧。

This is a wine of considerable richness , displaying aromas of dark berry fruit , white pepper and mocha nicely integrated with subtle oak characters 特色:葡萄品種100 %西拉,口感豐富,充份展示了黑霉果、白胡椒及穆哈咖啡的混合香味,并帶有橡木的獨特個性,口感長久,優美。

But there s a hitch : if you run mocha on some code you have lying around , you may notice that the code it generates isn t identical to the source 但是這兒有個問題:如果在一些您已經有所改動的代碼上運行mocha ,您會注意到它生成的代碼和源代碼不是完全一樣的。

Palate : a medium - weight wine showing blackberry , ripe cherry and sweet mocha oak flavours . the mouthfeel is soft and fresh with light , but balanced , tannins 口感:中至厚身的酒體,有黑櫻桃、熟櫻桃和甜咖啡橡木的味道,口感柔軟、新鮮和輕快,單寧平衡。

Palate : a medium - weight wine showing blackberry , ripe cherry and sweet mocha oak flavours . the mouth feel is soft and fresh with light , but balanced , tannins 口感:中至厚身的酒體,黑櫻桃、熟櫻桃和甜咖啡橡木的味道,口感柔軟新鮮和輕快,單寧平衡。

Some of the newer decompilers have intricate graphical interfaces , but we ll use mocha , which was the first publicly available decompiler , for our initial examples 但在一開始所舉的例子中,我們將使用的是mocha ,它是第一個公開的可利用的反編譯器。

This produces a new file , called foo . mocha mocha applies the name foo . mocha to avoid overwriting any source code in the original file 這會生成一個新的名為foo . mocha的文件( mocha使用foo . mocha這個名字以避免覆蓋原文件的源代碼) 。

In fact , when mocha was first released , its author , hanpeter van vliet , was threatened with a couple of corporate lawsuits see 實際上,當mocha第一次發布時,它的作者hanpeter van vliet曾被一些公司的訴訟威脅過(請參閱

Sadly , crema is no longer available , but a tool called hosemocha , like crema , was designed specifically to shut mocha down 可惜, crema已經沒有了,但有一種名為hosemocha的工具是專門為關閉mocha而設計的。

To add complexity and brightness ethiopian harrar , kenyan , yemen mocha , zimbabwe , and zambian coffees are used 為了增加復雜度和明亮度,會使用埃賽俄比亞哈拉爾,肯尼亞,也門磨卡,津巴布韋和贊比亞咖啡。

Listing 6 shows the result of mocha s attempt to decompile java code that had been obfuscated by a tool called jmangle 清單6顯示了mocha在嘗試反匯編被一種名為jmangle的工具模糊處理的java代碼后的結果。

It did so by adding a little “ bomb “ to the compiled code , which caused mocha to crash when it attempted to decompile the code 它在編譯后的代碼中添加一個小“炸彈” ,導致mocha在試圖反編譯代碼時崩潰。

Succulent ripe cherry , berry and plum fruits combine with gamey savoury notes and a hint of mocha on the nose 多汁成熟的櫻桃、漿果和李子的味道混合著濃郁可口的味道,再加上一絲摩卡的香味。