
moccasin n.(北美印地安人等穿的)鹿皮靴;硬底軟(拖)鞋;(南美...

moccasin flower

It was the treasure - box , sure enough , occupying a snug little cavern , along with an empty powder - keg , a couple of guns in leather cases , two or three pairs of old moccasins , a leather belt , and some other rubbish well soaked with the water - drip 是寶箱,千真萬確,它藏在一個小石窟里,旁邊有個空彈藥桶,兩只裝在皮套里的槍,兩三雙舊皮鞋,一條皮帶,另外還有些被水浸得濕漉漉的破爛東西。

When we was out of sight of the house he looked back and around a second , and then comes a - running , and says : “ mars jawge , if you ll come down into de swamp i ll show you a whole stack o water - moccasins . 我們走到了后面那間大屋子里的人看不到我們身影的地方,他往后往左右張望了一下,然后走過來說: “左喬治少爺,你要是到下邊泥水塘那里去,我指給你看,那么一大堆黑水蛇。 ”

Do not wear high heeled or open toe shoes , wedges , platform soles , moccasins or tennis shoes while working 工作時不得穿著高跟鞋、露趾鞋、坡跟鞋、厚跟鞋、拖鞋或網球鞋。

There is a 2 tones colorway moccasins ( made in usa ) ! ! and many more in stock 還有十分漂亮的雙色摩卡靴! ! (也是美國制)除此之外還有,其他更多的二手皮鞋到貨!

Can she have the moccasins now 可以把鹿皮鞋給她嗎

Old people like to wear moccasins 老人喜歡穿軟皮鞋。

Watch out . bites by moccasins are dangerous 小心。被北美大毒蛇咬是很危險的。

I suggest you wear moccasins . 我建議你穿鹿皮鞋。