
mobster n.〔俚語〕暴徒,匪徒,歹徒。


An unlikely alliance between a crippled and crooked lawyer robert taylor and a dancing showgirl cyd charisse , both of whom try to escape the power of a tyrannical mobster lee j . cobb , forms the basis for a flamboyant poem in delirious color and scope that is treated with a mixture of violence and lyricism that is unique to ray 二十年代的芝加哥,瘸腿律師(羅伯特泰勒)遇上美艷舞娘(賽德查里斯)兩個本來不可能遇上的人,卻因為要逃避一個黑幫惡漢(李科布)而情牽一線。

Lee mun - ho flew back from the states for the funeral . mun - ho , who did not want to mingle with mobsters , planned to return to the states for good after wrapping up his father s business in hong kong . on the other hand , a young and ambitious mobster yeung kong who was brought up under the old triad tradition , strongly opposed mun - ho s modernization policies 洪興社頭坐館李坤,在一次赴澳門途中遇到伏擊被殺,其子李萬豪周潤發飾由美國返港為父奔喪,萬豪被迫留下與黑幫周旋,更利用其智慧將洪興社搞得頭頭是道,并破壞了周老板的犯罪計劃。

The sea underworld is shaken up when the son of the shark mob boss is found dead and a young fish named oscar is found at the scene . being a bottom feeder , oscar takes advantage of the situation and makes himself look like he killed the finned mobster . oscar soon comes to realize that his claim may have serious consequences 碰上蘭尼及法蘭兩條大白鯊,以為今次命仔難保,幸而蘭尼是素食者,保住命仔的奧斯卡,竟沙膽的自稱為礁城的獵鯊英雄,可是黑幫大哥大多連勞又怎會放過這條魚毛!

Once a web of mobsters whose most international activity was smuggling cigarettes , the camorra eases uninspected chinese goods into europe and provides loans at usurious rates to the sweatshops that produce many of the elegant garments italy sells abroad “克莫拉”曾是一個犯罪集團,他們最活躍的國際間活動就是走私煙草,而且他們輕易地把未經檢驗的中國商品轉移到歐洲,并掌控著許多血汗工廠? ?為他們提供高利貸,而意大利則把他們生產的一流服飾遠銷國外。

But mobsters have been looking to diversify their operations . the report said films and soap operas which highlight gangsters “ loyalty and masculinity - traits traditionally admired in korea - were a major obstacle in cracking down on them 報道中說,韓國一些電影和肥皂劇中常會對匪徒的忠心和男子氣概加以突出,而這種精神正是韓國人歷來所敬佩的,所以這成為打擊犯罪團伙的一個主要障礙。

He gave five thousand rifles to the mobsters and gangmen of tu yueh - sen , a shanghai al capone who had built his fortune on opium , to smash the workers ' organizations and slaughter thousands of disarmed workers in the native city of shanghai 他把五千條步槍發給杜月笙(上海黑社會頭子,靠販賣鴉片發了財)手下的地痞流氓,摧毀了工人組織,在上海華界屠殺了幾千手無寸鐵的工人。

But mobsters have been looking to diversify their operations . the report said films and soap operas which highlight gangsters “ loyalty and traits traditionally admired in korea - were a major obstacle in cracking down on them 報道中說,韓國一些電影和肥皂劇中常會對匪徒的忠心和男子氣概加以突出,而這種精神正是韓國人歷來所敬佩的,所以這成為打擊犯罪團伙的一個主要障礙。

According to the survey conducted among 109 jailed mobsters by the korean institute of criminal justice , 79 . 3 percent of gangsters said they were somewhat or very satisfied with their life in organized crime 這項由韓國刑事司法研究所開展的調查共對109名關押犯進行了訪問,其中76 . 3 %的匪徒說他們對“有組織的”犯罪生活感到滿意或十分滿意。

According to the survey conducted among 109 jailed mobsters by the korean institute of criminal justice , 79 . 3 percent of gangsters said they were somewhat or very satisfied with their in organized crime 這項由韓國刑事司法研究所開展的調查共對109名關押犯進行了訪問,其中76 . 3 %的匪徒說他們對“有組織的”犯罪生活感到滿意或十分滿意。

And he records a telephone conversation in which two mobsters calmly discuss the date for a torture session 此外,作者還記錄下來了一次電話談話? ?兩位暴徒談論著執行一次嚴刑拷打的日期,而且那若無其事的語氣平和極了。

A mobster travels to hollywood to collect a debt and discovers that the movie business is much the same as his current job 奇利為追回借款來到了洛杉磯。他接受了一家賭場派給他的任務? ?向二流電影制作人哈里收取賭債。

Oscar then pretends to be the “ sharkslayer ” who killed the underwater mobster 于是奧斯卡謊稱自己就是殺了海底黑道份子的“獵鯊高手” 。

Not as mobster 而不是以黑幫分子

His son alessandro and two other mobsters were arrested with him 他的兒子阿萊山德羅和另外兩個黑手黨成員和他一起被捕。

But mobsters have been looking to diversify their operations 據報道,犯罪集團的成員一直希望能將作案手段“多樣化” 。

Russian mobsters had also migrated 俄羅斯黑幫

So you were kidnapped by mobster 你被黑幫綁架了

I made you mobster , ain ' t i 我讓你上黑道的,對不對

Believe there is a hood among mobsters 黑幫里面有強盜