
mobilize vt.1.發動,調動;使可動。2.使流通;使(不動產)變...


Mobilize all sectors of the community to work in partnership on young people s health and development 呼吁社會各界為促進青少年的健康及成長共同努力。

We are currently mobilizing a lot of our human and financial resources to save as many people as possible 我們現在動員大量的人力和財力極力拯救難民。

Moreover , we must mobilize the enthusiasm of the laborers by available means and method 此外,我們還應通過有效手段和方法來調動勞動者的積極性。

We will examine how law is mobilized and deployed by professionals and ordinary citizens 我們將考察法律怎樣經由專業人士和普通市民發起和推展開來。

Motivation is a main approach to develop the human resources , mobilize the activity 因此,激勵是開發人才資源,充分調動人們積極性的重要途徑。

Mobilizing christians and the general public to concern and support social services 促進基督徒及一般市民對社會的關注,進而參與社會服務;

The core concept of this theory is to mobilize material by means of agile mode 物資敏捷動員理論的核心理念是以敏捷的方式進行物資動員。

1 . 2 to facilitate build ngos capacity to mobilize new community resources 2推動及建立志愿福利服務機構的能力,動員新的社會資源。

Rotary clubs can act as a catalyst to mobilize various groups to work together 扶輪社可以扮演觸媒的角色來發動各種團體一起合作。

Mobilizing asia s savings 亞洲債券市場

Mobilizing the monitors and making them confirm their responsibility 充分發揮班干部的作用,使每個班干部明確其職責。

The president had constitutional power to mobilize troops in an emergency 依據憲法,總統有權在緊急情況下調動軍隊。

So at that time king joram set out from samaria and mobilized all israel 6那時約蘭王出撒瑪利亞,數點以色列眾人。

Mobilize all positive factors 調動一切積極因素

Medias have the right to mobilize public opinion for the monitoring of prices 新聞單位有權進行價格輿論監督。

Our country ' s in great danger ; we must mobilize the army 我們正處于嚴重危險之中,我們必須把軍人動員起來。

Mobilize all of the officers , send them to guard the horses and cattle , 集中所有的軍官,派他們去守衛牛和馬

The student mobilize quickly 學生們很快就動員起來了。

You ' ve mobilized sailors and officers because of one man 你就因為一個船員就把所有水手和軍官都集中起來