
mobilization n.1.動員;流通,應用。2.【法律】不動產的動產化;【...


Ams was in full mobilization assisting in operation of the casualty clearing retention centres 醫療輔助隊亦總動員,協助管理傷者收容中心。

Ams was in full mobilization assisting in operation of the casualty clearingretention centres 醫療輔助隊亦總動員,協助管理傷者收容中心。

Research on social restrictions and social mobilizations of the national fitness of the handicapped 論殘疾人全民健身的社會制約和社會動員

Motivation theory and the mobilization of the enthusiasm of the teachers and staffs in kindergartens 激勵理論與幼兒園教職工積極性的調動

One failed agency after another attempted to bring order to the mobilization effort 為了有效進行戰爭動員,所嘗試的各種手段接連告敗。

Different types of political exchange are also manifest in mobilization frames 另一方面,不同政治交換關系也表現在動員框架的差異。

The role mobilization of the masses in the winter academic movement in the anti - japanese bases 抗日根據地冬學運動的民眾動員作用

Investigation files : real estate developers who “ tawjihi “ general mobilization 檔案調查:房地產開發商們的“高考”總動員

On the socialist transformation and the formation of centralized mobilization system 社會主義改造和集中動員型體制的形成

Defense mobilization system 國防動員體制

One of the aims of military mobilization is to raise money for wars 籌措戰爭所需經費是進行戰爭動員的主要目的之一。

In 1967 , doug nichols was working as a missionary with operation mobilization in india 尼科爾是行動國際事工的主席。

Clowns mobilization games 圖書管理員小游戲

4455 clowns mobilization games 更多同類游戲

The ngo and the social mobilization in the new countryside ' s construction 非政府組織與社會主義新農村建設的基層動員

Popularization and mobilization of advanced culture : on procession of chinese culture 兼論中國先進文化的前進歷程

On mobilization of farmers in cultural and intellectual circles in anti - japanese 論抗戰中文化知識界的農民動員

Research of the capital mobilization for the sustainable development of small towns 小城鎮可持續發展的資金籌措

Supermarket shopping mobilization 超市購物總動員