
mobilizable adj.可動員的。


The essay discusses the existence of mobilizable resources and the means of managing them through analyses of the work systems of civilian economic resources , macro management and , micro cost - effectiveness . the essay also demonstrates the feasibility of employing input - output analysis / models and state transition models in the management of mobilizable resources 通過對社會經濟系統資源運作、宏觀管理與微觀投入產出分析,論述了可動員資源存在的客觀性及可調節性,并探討了投入產出分析與模型及狀態轉移模型用于可動員資源管理的可行性。

Taking into account the growth of demand index , and the constraints of production growth , the essay models how resources from multiple sources can be brought together to meet demands , and illustrates the strengths of mobilizable resources and the limitations of other kinds of resources 通過大量戰爭對資源需求與保障的定性定量分析并考慮物質生產增長規律制約,捕捉到需求指數增長趨勢,構筑了多途徑資源組合應對模型,論述了各途徑資源所受制約和可動員資源的優勢。

Proposed a new mobilizable coordinates measuring programme designed measuring length , measuring round and measuring angle coordinates three different measurement coordinate system for the measurement coordinate system applies a set of images , and given the three coordinates of the transformation function 提出一種新的采用可移動坐標檢測方案,設計了測長度、測圓和測角度坐標3種不同的測量坐標系,對各測量坐標系所適用的圖像特征進行了闡述,并給出了3種坐標系的變換函數。

The essay highlights the management model and networks model of mobilizable resources and recommends an efficient system of categorization and evaluation , in order to facilitate a rapid response by the whole of society in times of crisis and war 面向應戰應急的全方位快速反應需求,提出可動員資源的中藥行管理模式和隨動網絡構想以及簡明的分類評價方法。

Mobilizable coordinates in the use of the system detection ordinary small dimension measurement precision to repeat : measuring length 、 measuring round coordinate system for the 0 . 3 m , measuring angle coordinate system for the 2 本系統在使用可移動坐標法檢測普通微小尺寸測量重復精度達到:測長度、測圓坐標系為0 . 3 m ,測角度坐標系為2 。