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mobile phone 移動電話,手機。

mobile unit

A : look , your mobile phone bill is long overdue 你看,你的手機帳單已經過期這麼久了。

Walk in a group . carry a mobile phone for emergency use 帶備手提電話,以備不時之需。

Data memory system for mobile phone based on bluetooth 基于藍牙技術的手機數據存儲系統

Those who say is you , still installing see a mobile phone 說的就是你,還裝著看手機!

Do you have mobile phones ? how many and why 您有手機嗎?共有幾部,為什么要有這么多?

Good . i ' ll take this one , “ the mobile phone 好啊,就選這張吧, “手機” 。

B : i know . i just can ' t find my mobile phone 我知道了。我找不到我的手機。

In his school , few students dare use mobile phones 在他的學校,很少有學生敢用手機。

To develop a next - generation mobile phone platform 公司合作開發下一代移動電話平臺。

Cogitation on mobile phone in development advertise 關于發展短信廣告的思考

I took lots of photos with my mobile phone last sunday 上周日我用手機照了許多照片

Q9 technology holdings limited - mobile phone 九方科技控股有限公司-手提電話

Advertising on mobile phones is a tiny business 在手機上打廣告是件微不足道的事情。

He has a mobile phone . we needn ' t have written him 8他有手機,我們原本不必給他寫信

Most students in our class have mobile phones 我們班上大多數學生都有手機。

All the mobile phones must kept off the meeting 會議期間要關閉所有的手機。

The text message on mobile phones : a new tool to commit crimes 對手機短信犯罪的思考

Don t use hand - held mobile phones while driving 駕駛時勿用手提電話酒后駕駛

The design of gsm digital voice mobile phone based on ambe 數字語音保密通信終端設計