
mobile adj.1.活動的,運動的;可動的。2.易變的;易感動的...

mobile home

Around key : mobile : jumping the space bar : attack 左右鍵:移動上:跳躍空格鍵:攻擊

Design of information - searching system based on mobile agent 的信息搜索系統設計

Adaptive action fusion method for mobile robot 移動機器人的自適應式行為融合方法

Convergence of cable fixed - mobile network based on ims 固定網與移動網的融合方案

Select the “ message “ option on your mobile phone 1 .選取您流動電話上的訊息選項

Telecommunication mobile earth stations exemption order 電訊移動地球站豁免令

To add the sql mobile cab file to your project 將sql mobile cab文件添加到項目中

Customized applications of mobile network enhanced logic 移動網定制應用增強邏輯

Mobile mouse control star , the left - fire hits 移動鼠標控制準星,點擊左鍵開火。

I must have dropped my mobile phone on the taxi 我肯定是把手機忘在出租車里了。

It is cool to change your mobile wallpaper frequently 經常更新手機壁紙多酷啊!

Please call back from a mobile phone to hail a taxi 請用移動電話進行訂車呼叫。

How to : install sql server mobile on a device 如何在設備上安裝sql server mobile

Protocol test research of voip mobile phone based on sip 手機協議測試技術的研究

An apga based path planning algorithm for mobile robot 的移動機器人路徑規劃算法

New generation mobile communication and its applications 新一代移動通信及其應用

The price of mobile telephones has declined sharply 手機的價格下降得非常厲害

In a mobile society an energetic person can hardly help matching himself against others and seeing how far he can go . 在一個動蕩的社會里,一個精力充沛的人不由自主地與別人較量,看看自己在奮斗的道路上能走多遠。

He seemed completely composed, hidden behind his black lensed glasses, only his mobile features gesturing his vocal drama . 他泰然自若,好象他那副墨鏡把他整個人都擋住了,只有面部的表情配合他耍嘴皮子的獨角戲。