
mob n.〔集合詞〕1.〔蔑稱〕暴民,暴徒;觀眾,民眾,烏合之...

mob law

To try to disperse the mob of lslamic students , 試圖驅散狂暴的伊斯蘭學生

Eager fans mobbed the popular singer 熱切的歌迷們團團圍住住這位流行歌手

Fans mobbed the actor wherever he went 那位演員走到哪里,影迷們都圍著他。

Analyzing features of mobs ' criminal behaviors 黑惡勢力犯罪的行為特征分析

The speaker ' s frankness disarmed the angry mob 演說者的坦率緩和了憤激的群眾的怒氣。

I ' m just saying pompey ' s mob is out for blood 我只想說龐貝的手下正蠢蠢欲動

Mob supplies ! get your angry mob supplies here 暴民供給!到這里拿暴民供給

But if the rest of the cahill mob find out , 但是如果剩余的卡西爾的人發現了,

The leader was murdered at the hands of a mob 那領導人喪生于一個暴徒手下。

Jake : his old man was a big time mob attorney 杰克:他老爸是有名的幫會律師

L see you buying the mob fish and chips . . 我看到在等待法律和秩序的重建時. .

“ it is a bizarre experience to be mobbed 被影迷團團圍住是種奇妙的經歷” 。

It ' s a mob scene here at grand central station 在大中心車站是一片慌亂的景象

Why were the mob likely to riot in consequence 結果,民眾便會暴動,這是為什么呢?

A mob was rioting against the municipal government 一群暴民鬧事反對市政府。

More sinister is the involvement of the heavy mob 更危險的是眾多無知民眾的卷入。

Now the mob rushes in and beats the crap out of him 現在暴徒上去把他打成豬頭

The quarterback was mobbed by the defensive line 四分衛遭到防守線球員猛烈攻擊

The mob is planning to rub out the key witness 暴力團伙正計劃干掉重要目擊者。