
moat n.【筑城】(城)壕;護城河。vt.挖壕圍繞。


The next day the mother duck with her family went down to the moat . she said , and one duckling jumped in after another 隔天這只母鴨帶著她的一家人走到壕溝。她跳入水中, “呱,呱, ”她說,小鴨們一只接一只地跳進河里。

The ming moat and its surroundings is the most important component of the city wall of xi ' an 西安明城護城河及其環境是西安明城墻的重要組成部分,它是目前西安明城墻保護相對較弱、開發利用最充分、問題最突出的區域。

The area by the city moat , the suburbs and the broad grassland of the newly built residential areas in beijing are all suitable for flying kites 護城河邊,郊區,北京新建的小區綠地面積也很大,都適合放風箏。

Recently a government minister threw a housewarming party for his new mansion which features a moat around which you can jet - ski 近期,一名政府部長舉行喬遷新居的晚會,他向其他國家的大使們炫耀著房屋的價格。

A moat , walled ditch , or hedge sunk in the ground to serve as a fence without impairing the view or scenic appeal 暗墻;隱籬用來作柵欄,但又不阻礙視線或景觀的護城河,或由墻圍住的溝或陷入地中的籬笆

Flowing soil is one of the moat familiar kind disaster related to ground water during all kinds of engineering buildings 摘要流土災害是各類工程活動中經常遭遇到的與地下水有關的地質災害之一。

There are thoughts of an original moat for the town , but this moment is not entirely decided and may be changed yet 我們設想城鎮擁有全新的護城河,但現在并沒有完全確定下來,甚至有可能更改。

“ what do we want of a moat when we re going to snake him out from under the cabin ? 我說: “我們要個城壕干什么?我們不是要從小屋下面讓他象蛇一般偷偷爬出來么? ”

The pearl river mouth basin is one of the moat important offshore basins in china 摘要珠江口盆地位于中國南海北部,是中國近海含油氣盆地中一個重要的盆地。

The horses remained together for moat of the race , until a leader at last came to the front 賽馬在大部分賽程中都跑在一起,直到最后才有一匹馬跑到了前面。

The palaces are surrounded by purpligh - red walls 3 , 4oo metres long and a moat 52 metres wide 4 . 1 metres deep 建筑面積約萬平方米。紫紅色的宮墻長米。

The flowers are lit up in the evening , and their reflections on the moat create sublime effects 映在護城河里水面上的櫻花仿佛彩燈,讓人浮想聯翩。

The state - run enterprises are one of those where the brain drain is the moat serious 摘要擁有人才優勢,才能擁有競爭優勢,這是一個不爭的事實。

He sat down by the side of the moat , buried his face in his hands and reflected 他在一座土墻旁邊坐下來,把他的臉埋在雙手里深深地思考了一會。

“ it befell at the moat house ? “ dick ventured , with a beating at his heart “這事情發生在莫特堡嗎? ”狄克試探著問,心里卻撲通撲通地跳著。

Natural products are one of the moat important sources of the lead compounds in drug discovery 摘要天然產物是藥物先導化合物的重要來源。

Surrounded by a six - meter deep moat and a ten - meter high wall are more than 9 , 000 buildings 故宮外圍是一條6米深的護城河和10米高的城墻。

Natural products are one of the moat important sources of the lead compounds in drug discovery 天然產物是藥物先導化合物的重要來源。

Fire the moat 點燃護城溝!